Logistics Business - Manage your Data NOW or Dig your Graves #3
#3?- Have you created your Data Balance Sheet
Every business religiously produces their financial balance sheet. It provides us critical information about the value of the firm’s assets, liabilities and the owner’s equity. The balance sheet of a company shows the assets on one side and the liabilities and owner’s equity on the other side in such a way that both sides balance in accordance with the accounting equation.
Assets ( cash, accounts receivable, merchandise to be sold, supplies, equipment, and land plus intangible items such as patents, franchises, and copyrights.) = Liabilities ( what the business owes to others like payments to be made to suppliers, salaries to employees, taxes to government agencies, rent to landlords, mortgage, and loans and interest payments to financial institutions.) + Owner’s Equity ( money that the owners of the business have put into the business.)
In respect of Data the questions asked are “Is data a business asset?” & " Can it be a liability" & "Can it have equity" Why is it that an intangible asset like data is not in the company’s balance sheet - a statement of the assets, liabilities, and capital of a business at a particular point in time.
Technically, data is an intangible asset - a non-physical asset that has a multi-period useful life.
While data in the recent years has provided competitive advantage to many companies, the key reasons that make it challenging for data to find a place in the balance sheet are :-
Basically, an intangible asset like data brings subjectively into asset valuation; and businesses loathe unpredictability and vagueness.
However, data should find a place in the balance sheet and we need make start by assigning $ value to the data assets. Cant customer data be an intangible asset, in a balance sheet based on the likely revenue increase that it can help garner. The key is assigning the $ value to the data asset which is the first step in data’s journey towards finding a place in the balance sheet. Does one wait for regulatory agencies to define it or should forward looking Logistics companies start creating data balance sheets and learn and evolve and hone it and over time carve out acceptable standards. A start needs to be made.
Is your data an asset?
Does data really fit the bill as an asset, It can be if we assign three key characteristics to it. They are:
Barriers that need to be removed for the valuation of data
What need to be the Data valuation principles
Let us look at some options to make start
1. Intrinsic value of information.?
Start without taking into account the business value at all, Initially focus on the data's intrinsic value. Create a model that quantifies data quality by breaking it into characteristics such as accuracy, accessibility and completeness. Each characteristic is rated and then tallied for a final score. Call this the Data non financial balance sheet.
This can be tailored to the company, which could, for example, "assign weightage factors" to each characteristic unique for their business. For example Data that's more unique to your organization and not available to your competitors or the larger marketplace can be given higher weightage.
2. Business value of information.?One can measure the data in relation to one or more business processes. Accuracy and completeness, for example, are evaluated, as is timeliness because even if data is relevant to a business process, if it's not timely, it is not valuable. The model too can be tailored to fit the organization's needs. Call this the Process Strength Data balance sheet.
3. Performance value of information.?This option can be much more empirical in nature. One measures the data's impact on one or more?(KPIs) over time. If your team had access to a data point, how much better would they have performed. Or in simple terms whats the opportunity loss that you are incurring due to lack of data. Call this the Opportunity Loss Data balance sheet.
4. Cost value of information.?A value can be assigned to the data by measuring lost revenue and how much it would have costed to acquire the data. One can value most intangible assets that don't have a discernible market value through this option. Call this the Revenue Loss Data balance sheet.
5. Market value of information.?This option measures revenue if the data generated by you can be sold, rented or bartered. The problem is, at what the price of the data can sell in the open market. A way around this is to figure out what similar data from syndicated data providers is going for. When we sell data, we're not really selling it but we are licensing it. This market value will have to be discounted based on the number of times a company can sell the information. It is not the one time value that's important - it's about generating this over time. Call this the Market Value Data balance sheet.
Can logistics companies not make a start and initiate creation of these five balance sheet starting with one parameter in each balance sheet only and evolve it over time to add more parameters.
Is this not a better way of learning and evolving rather than being forced by an external agency in the future to force fit something impractical.
Most importantly the measurement helps you increase revenue reduce cost and improve services
Its a WIN-WIN situation so why not start now.