The Logical Framework of HU - Topology
In 2004, HU was a seedling of an idea I had while working as a little cog in the Banking system. I can multitask :), so I was walking and thinking at the same time, when suddenly a light bulb lit above my head..:).
I thought about it for six months, using unused parts of my Brain normally used for the Game of Thrones or Kardashians. Thinking for six months was required since I thought I had found the string of thought required for me to travel through that Labyrinth of Physics and create a simple solution that would explain everything.
I wrote a little article and tried to post it at Los Alamos Archives. This is a preprint repository, that is, it is a site where people can publish articles that were not peer-reviewed. I was just trying to pass on an idea, in hope it would be useful and help the scientists to travel through my Labyrinth. Being a preprint repository, there isn't the expectation of peer-review, or even academic credentials. At least, that was what I thought.
It turned out that the place is the backyard of the person who created it, Paul Ginsparg. The article required an endorser. This was a new barrier to keep the riff-raff from posting stuff there.
I sought someone with endorsing rights on Astrophysics and sent him my work requesting endorsement. The person was kind and endorsed. The article was accepted. I was told that it would be online soon. Half-hour later, they told me that the article was INAPPROPRIATE. In the back of my mind, I do believe it was my Nemesis Ginsparg..:)
Later, I dressed him up as Big Bird..:) to express my outrage..:)
Every Thanksgiving, I would post in my site, a Thanksgiving Note wishing everyone Happy Thanksgiving..:)
Below are the Censorship events :-)
Being someone who was a scientist since when I was four years old, I was appalled. There is nothing more antithetical to Science than Censorship. Blind Faith comes up as a second sin in the eyes of Science...:)
It turned out that Censorship and Blind Faith goes hand-in-hand. The reason for censorship is the Blind Faith the community have on the ideas they spoused. They were possible to be applied because of the inclination of the "owner" of Los Alamos Archives to be an unrepented censor. I don't understand it. He might had read Science books that I didn't read. Nowhere, in describing Science, did I read that Science protects itself through Censorship as opposed to through Logic and well based Arguments.
This happened in 2004-2005. 2005 was the Centennial of the Annus Mirabilis of Einstein's great creations. In 1905, Albert Einstein published three papers:
- Photoelectric Effect
- Strict Relativity
- Brownian Motion
- Mass-Energy equivalence
That was a very bad year to challenge Physics. After a 100 years, most Astrophysicists and Cosmologists are basically Einstein's clones, people who devoted their whole lives adapting Einstein's equations to different scenarios.
I didn't follow that path so my view of that is not positive. Physics has been, for some time, a search for form. This search for form is done at high level. Arguments are based on Group Theory, that is, the equation that will describe the Universe will have to have some symmetries. This means that the search for knowledge becomes a search for a mathematical framework where symmetries can be implemented.
That sounds appropriate. The issue I have is the nonsensical state of mind that is acceptable when the form looks good. Next, I will provide a view of a nonsensical state of mind, Cosmologists have to live with, day after day...:)
SN1a or type 1a Supernovae
At the beginning of time, the Universe only had electrons, protons, antineutrinos and photons. Electrons and Protons, when cooled enough, became Hydrogen atoms and Hydrogen molecules.
Those Hydrogen gases coalesced into globs of gas. Once the mass on this globs of hydrogen gas reach a critical mass, nuclear fusion starts at their cores and stars are born.
Stars will burn Hydrogen for billions of years creating Helium. The processes internal to a Star depends upon the size of the blob of gas and thus the size of Star and it is syncopated. Once all Hydrogen is exhausted, one is left with a star made up of Helium.
As the Helium Star starts to cool, the internal pressure become smaller and the star starts to contract. Gravitation depends upon distance and thus contraction makes the pressure at the core larger. Eventually, the core temperature and pressure is enough to trigger Helium burning. Helium will burn into Oxygen and Carbon.
If a Star is larger than 1.4 Sun masses, that star will become a White Dwarf.
If the White Dwarf mass is larger than the Chandrasekhar mass, the electrons inside it, cannot hold back the effect of Gravity. That triggers a compression wave starting from outside. When the compression wave reaches the core, it triggers the burning of Carbon through the chain reaction below:
Type 1A Supernova
Chandrasekhar mass can be arrived through different processes. Some reach it by colliding with another White Dwarf or another Star.
A fraction of the Supernovae arrive at the Chandrasekhar mass slowly by accretion from a companion White Dwarf. This slow fattening means that the mass is reached precisely and under controlled (similar) conditions. These are the type 1A Supernovae.
That makes all type 1A Supernova similar. Small variations on total mass appears as different amounts of ejecta. Ejecta is the material that gives the Luminosity time profile variability. Astronomers created an empirical standardization protocol called WLR (Width-Luminosity Relationship).
The idea behind WLR is that if a Supernova explosion is longer lived, that means it has larger ejecta. The burning of Carbon in Supernova is called a detonation. Take a look at the chain reaction. The Luminosity comes from the last equation, the decay of Nickel. When Nickel decays it emits Gamma Rays. Those Gamma Rays scatter inside the Dwarf and transform itself into visible light. The visible light is what is measured. In fact, many bands are measured, but let's take the simpler view here.
Astronomers read two Luminosity levels:
- Peak Luminosity
- Luminosity 15 days after the peak.
From those measurements they get the Luminosity Width and use WLR to calculate the Absolute Peak Luminosity as if there was no ejecta. This is effectively shrink the time profile and increase the peak luminosity such as to keep the area constant.
The WLR corrected peak Luminosity is what is used to measure distances.
The concept is simple. If all SN1a (Supernova type 1a), are identical, then if you measure the apparent peak luminosity as X, you know that if that SN1a were to be twice farther, the value of the apparent WRL-corrected peak Luminosity would be X/4.
If the distance were 3 times farther, the apparent WRL-corrected peak Luminosity would be X/9.
HU Epoch-Dependent G
Supernova is a more fundamental theory and was able to derive the Law of Gravitation from first principles. In doing so, the value of the Gravitational Constant G turned out to be inversely proportional to the 4D radius of the Universe. See equation below:
Look at the picture below. It shows the cross-section of HU proposed Universe topology. HU proposes that we live in a light-speed expanding hyperspherical hypersurface. That means that we live in hypersurface which has THREE DIMENSIONS. This also means that that hypersurface is traveling outwards (along the radial direction) at the speed of light.
Looking into the past means that we are looking at light that was created when the Universe was the hypersurface of a smaller hypersphere. This means that earlier epochs had smaller 4D Radius and thus stronger Gravitational Constants G.
Earlier-epochs Stronger G -> Smaller Chandrasekhar Masses -> Weaker SN1a
The limit called Chandrasekhar mass corresponds to the highest mass and thus highest gravitational pressure profile of a White Dwarf. If the gravitational pressure profile is stronger, Electron Degeneracy forces will not be enough to hold the White Dwarf from becoming a Supernova.
The Gravitational pressure and Chandrasekhar Mass are certainly dependent upon the Gravitational Constant G. The dependence is given by:
The stronger G is, the smaller the size of the White Dwarf that is the precursor to the SN1a explosion.
This epoch-dependent G, means that the current view that SN1a are standard is wrong and it is leading to overestimation of the photometric distances of SN1a explosions.
Well, is this relevant? Does this have any influence on Cosmology, Particle Physics?
One might say so. The reason being is that using potentially incorrect SN1a distances, Astronomers derived a function called d(z), that is, a function that provides distances as a function of redshift.
The SN1a provides not only apparent Luminosity but also REDSHIFT.
Redshift is the shift of absorption lines or emission lines observed on faraway light sources. This was discovered by Edwin Hubble and led to the current understanding that the Universe came from a Big Bang. Another corollary is that the Universe was smaller.... things were denser and stars, galaxies, were closer in the past.
Since Einstein's General Relativity (GR), our scientists are trapped into a complex 4D spacetime box. They inherited Einstein's equations, which are ad-hoc and a prized turf for complex modeling and paper writing. Einstein's GR is a paper gold mine. One can guess a metric and see what happens. For 100 years, this is what has driven Cosmology, a blind search in the dark..:) without light...:)
HU is a Dynamic 5D Spacetime
If you count the spatial dimensions in HU, you will see that we live in the hypersurface, so there is at least three spatial dimensions. Since there is a radial direction perpendicular to the hypersurface, there is one more non-compact spatial dimension. Total = 4 spatial dimensions.
There is an Absolute Time, timing the expansion of the hypersphere. You can see two cross-sections of that 5D Spacetime below:
The left panel is an XYZR cross-section. The right panel contains XYZPhi. You can also see smaller reference frames (local metric) characterized by xr or xtau. Those reference frames can be twisted by interaction and the torsional angle represents absolute state of motion. Since we live in the Green Circle, we cannot see that angle and only see relative torsional differences or relative velocity.
To understand how a torsion of the Local Metric (Local Fabric of Space) corresponds to motion, you can look at the picture below:
Above you can see the Silver Surfer...:) If the FS (Fabric of Space) is relaxed, motion takes place along the radial direction. If interaction twists your FS to the left (like twisting a Surfboard to the left), the Silver Surfer will move to the Left.
Why Do Things Move?
HU gives a reason to SR (why the speed of light is the limiting speed) and to Newton's first Law.
In HU, things keep moving to relax the Fabric of Space. Just look the picture below:
Consider that the Silver Surfer was in the smaller hypersphere and the normal to its Surfboard points towards alpha1 (alpha1 being the angle with the radial direction). After a little time, the Silver Surfer reaches the outer hypersphere. Now, the angle is alpha2, which is smaller than alpha1. At infinite time, the angle will be zero, FS will be totally relaxed.
This is used to extrapolate the positions of Galaxies from smaller hyperspheres (earlier epochs) to the current epoch. I just consider that those galaxies have their average FS relaxed. Their center of mass follows the Hubble Flow. That Hubble Flow corresponds to only radial motion (the cosmological angle remains constant).
This is how HU can create an Absolute Time representation of the current Universe. Needless to say, Absolute Time is not something Einstein liked...:) but it is a reality.No Astronomer states that the Universe is X billions of years old (in our reference frame)...:) The age of the Universe doesn't change upon reference frame, that is, it is not Relative.
SN1a Breaks the Cosmic Ruler!!!!
By proposing an epoch-dependent G, HU questioned the SN1a d(z). Once HU corrects the SN1a distances, HU other task is to relate redshift with topology:
This is done with simple trigonometry (Law of Sines):
Notice HU d(Z). It has no parameters. R_0 is normalized to 1. This means that HU d(z) are PREDICTIONS and not fittings as the current Lambda- Cold Dark Matter (L-CDM).
L-CDM has these many parameters:
This is the L-CDM Hubble Parameters. I count six parameters (because I am a pessimist..:). Astronomers are optimistic and count less than that somehow...:)
Those are not benign parameters. They include Dark Matter Density and Dark Energy Density. That is, they include NEW and UNPROVEN Physics.
HU requires no new Physics and has no parameters. Instead of parameters, it has physical hypotheses and extensive interconnected physical modeling. If anything is proven wrong in HU, HU is wrong (I am strict), or at least, HU would have to provide a clear new understanding to replace the prior model. HU cannot just change the value of a parameter.
HU SN1a Predictions
Below are the HU plot of HU d(z) versus the corrected SN1a photometric distances:
I would say that these are PERFECT SN1A PREDICTIONS...;)
Not one, not two... but 600 SN1A predictions.
Inflation Theory
These predictions are shown to fall within R_0 =1, that is, once corrected the distances of SN1a, they do not fall further that the distance traversed by light during the life of the Universe.
This is in contrast with the picture below, showing uncorrected distances:
You can see that uncorrected SN1a distances reaches 2.5 times the maximum distance expected to be traversed by light during the lifetime of the Universe. This is a CONUNDRUM...;)
In red, is HU Predictions where the overestimation of distances was placed back. The other line is L-CDM fitting.
Distorted Map
The CONUNDRUM required the creation of Inflation Theory with outlandish hypotheses like:
- Big Bang creating everyting
- Big Bang ripping the space and stretching infinitely faster that the speed of light, that is, the 3D spatial Universe Sphere that GR considers us to be in it, expanded to colossal size in no time. All this happened (not reason given) and still happens (at slower pace - no reason given to the slowing down of the process). Dark Energy (whatever that means) was invoked to explain it. There is no explanation to Dark Energy.
Below is the mind malabarism one has to go to understand GR map. What is not clear in this map is that those quantum fluctuations are at infinite distance from us, so the actual distortion of the Universe is hidden in this nice picture..;)
Of course, you have to rotate this tube all over the sky to have the actual 3D map of L-CDM. Remember, HU provides a Globe. The edge of it is right where you expect it to be and there is no stretch marks anywhere..;)
Neutronium Acoustic Oscillations
Neutronium Acoustic Oscillations (NAO) are related to the Big Pop and Banging Universe Cosmogenesis Theory, which is part of HU.
NAO are Hyperspherical angular oscillations, that is, those are the oscillations one would expect if the Universe were to be described by a hypersphere hypersurface.
See yourself at the center of the 4D Hypersphere above. The Universe is a thin hypershell. If you look at the hypersurface you wouldn't see anything happening in the thin hypersurface. You would expect to see waves across the surface in an angular fashion. The Cosmological Angle Alpha maps to a distance d in our hypersurface. This means that HU would expect to see NAO along distances in 3D.
Do we also have Oscillations along angles in 3D?
I didn't check but judging from their signal-to-noise, they would be cross-talk between the hyperspherical modes and be much smaller. I do have questions about the influence of the model in the measurements. The measurement is made meaningful depending upon the values of the L-CDM parameters. I wasn't able to see a resonance on 150 Mpc wavelength, so I reserve judgment on if the current Cosmological Model is seeing something or just what they want to see.
So, we have d(z). I was able to get 1.3 million galaxies redshifts and angular positions (Declination and Right Ascension, a.k.a. DEC and RA) directly from SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey)
Having DEC, RA and Z, I used HU d(z) and the hypothesis that Galaxies were in a relaxed region of the Fabric of Space to project their position to the current epoch (outermost hypersphere).
With a map of the Universe, I decided to take a look... Nobody can resist that call..:)
Below is the resulting map:
In the video you start by seeing the Universe Globe. The colors vary according to Galaxy density. The dimensions involved are Astronomical..:). The little fuzz you see are Galaxy Clusters. So the Universe looks like a spider web...
The Universe Globe immediately gave away the NAO. One can see a ridge of high density right at 0.3 R_0. Where R_0 is the current 4D radius of the Universe or 13.58 Billion Light Years.
So, Astronomical observations proved that there was hyperspherical acoustic modes and thus spacetime should be 5D and thus GR, Inflation Theory, Dark Energy, L-CDM are wrong... created with the wrong assumptions and using the wrong ruler.
The Surprise
I was taken by surprise when I replotted the data in Celestial Coordinates (Distance, DEC, RA). I then aggregated (summed all the densities along RA) and looked perpendicularly to the DEC coordinate. Looking perpendicularly to DEC is the same as looking all way around the Globe.
When I did that, this is what I saw:
What is this?
This is the side view (view around the whole angle (DEC in this case, but it is the same for RA). Concentrate in a given distance, say 0.3 R_0. The way I see it, is that this is the footprint of waves.
The waves started small, going left to right and back (standing hyperspherical waves). They are driven by the release of Neutrons from the expanding Neutronium phase of the Baby Universe.
If you look at 0.3, you will see that initially, all seeds (seeds to galaxy clusters, galaxies) were basically one-per-cell...:) After the first wave, some seeds got close to the other and grouped into two-per-cell...After the second wave, the two-per-cell seeds got another seed and became three-per-cell. New two-per-cell seeds were created.
Through this mechanics, a linear increase in density was created. Since the wave pressure pattern is continuously varying, the interpretation of what it means to be two per cell varied along distance.
I counted 36 Bangs. It is clear that the first Bang started small and grew (that is my logical conclusion). This means that there was no Big Bang. No Planck Time... No BS...nothing to write a book about or put into your paper mill.
Below is a close-up of the ridge at 0.3.
In principle, Fibonacci Galaxy cluster might exist, that is, a small fraction of two-seeded cells might join the three-seeded cells to make 5-seeded-cells.. Then the 5-seeded-cells might join the 3-seeded-cell to make 8-seeded-cell...:)
I say that just to please the Trading Audience...:) Considering how HUGE the Universe is, I am sure that happened some place..:)
Could these waves be Fake News?
Remember that the position of the SDSS objects are defined by where the Robot Telescope is looking into the Sky (DEC, RA) and what is the color of the light (Redshift). Once you have the color of the Light you plug it in any d(z) and you will get something. In HU, you will get a sensible Universe... :) .. In L-CDM, your Brain will ache..:)
So, the position of the object is defined by those things.
Galaxy density is defined by sampling protocol. There are much more than 1.3 million galaxies in the Universe...:) The sampling protocol is not distance agnostic, that is, brighter galaxies will be more easily measured (bias for proximity). There are two datasets - LOWZ and MASS. The LOWZ contains small redshift or closer galaxies. The MASS contains the farther galaxies. This means that there is a mechanism for filtering galaxies by distance, with a cut-off around 0.28 R_0.
The galaxy density (Y-coordinate in the plots) is defined by two things. Number of objects within an aggregation cell and number density. HU considers that Comoving Number Density can be used as a proxy to mass. The operational protocol is to find that galaxy you want to observe, calculate where its image will fall on a plane inside the telescope. Then you can use a CAD program to manufacture a plate with holes where the galaxy's image would fall. You then place optical fibers and connect those optical fibers to spectrographs to measure redshift and intensity.
I suppose that from redshift and intensity, you can derived the number density. The reasoning is the following, for a given amount of light, if the redshift is higher that means that the number density (number of objects emitting light) is larger and thus the mass of the galaxy is larger.
So, the Y-Coordinate is controlled by two independent variables:
- position of galaxies (how distant they are from their next door galaxy with the same redshift or distance or hypersphere). Remember, I slightly aggregate galaxies to get the plot.
- relative luminosity (taken into consideration z).
I cannot envision how a sampling protocol would correlate those two variables in such a complex pattern and be independent upon observational direction.
I expected a Gaussian distribution on the density. That would tell me that there were waves. A profiled density pattern tells you more. It tells you how many waves and that the effect of each wave was reproducible...
I asked SDSS point-blank if these waves could be attributed to a sampling protocol. I've never got an answer back.
In Summary:
Here we presented the Logical framework for Cosmology. HU challenges everything that lives in a 4D Spacetime just by being a 5D Spacetime theory. It does that with predictions (HU is a parameter-less theory) and with cold-evidence contained in the SDSS dataset.
SDSS has this data for 10 years and never looked into it along the distance coordinate. The reason is Ideological. 4D Spacetime expects angular waves in a 3D space and uniformity along distance. GR expects that where we are is equivalent to any other place in the Universe. Astronomical data say otherwise!
The patterned galaxy density on the Universe map indicates that the Big Bang Theory is incorrect (not a single Big Bang), not a Universe coming out of Fire and Brimstone...:)
No Inflation... No Dark Matter... No Big Crunch in the Critical Density or criticality of any kind. No unexplainable nothing... Everything nice and explained properly..:)
Also, No PBS shows for those Smiling Scientists spouting Nonsense....:)
A Horrible Place for A Cosmologist to be...:)
PS- After this strenuous reading, you deserve a moment of Happiness..>:)
Just follow the link..:)