The Logical Client
The bane of a Hypnotist is the ‘logical/analytical ‘ client
“My brother said I should try Hypnosis for depression but I don’t see logically how sitting in a chair can help create change – where’s the input, the drugs, the surgery, the science ?” ( never been sure what anyone means when they say where’s the science? Which science, what science?)
We are not logical beings – we are subjective intuitive beings – and we do infinitely better in life if we rely on intuition rather than logic
Let's say there is a big red button in your office that says – DO NOT PUSH
Well being human, of course, we push it
And it gives an electric shock (who knew!!)
So just to check, some of us, do it again.
Again, the shock.
Ok – we get it.
Get what?
Logically there is no evidence to say that if we press it again we will get a shock – you cannot PROVE if you push it again it will give you a shock.
This is known as the problem of induction. Logically, we cannot possibly predict what will happen next, because we only have experience of the past.
You can say that you might get an electric shock, but this is only a probable outcome based on (potentially flawed) inductive reasoning.
But being Human we are pretty damn sure – if we – or anyone pushes that again there will be a shock.
But you cannot prove it. It is not LOGICAL that it will shock you ad infinitum
However back to the logical client – logically and intuitively – if what you have done so far has not helped- it makes logical and intuitive sense to do something different – that’s even scientific!
If what you are doing doesn’t work – do something different.
Maybe even Hypnosis!!