LOGIC  - Is it used anymore? 12 Logical Fallacies regularly perpetrated

LOGIC - Is it used anymore? 12 Logical Fallacies regularly perpetrated

Assuming that the three "R's" are still taught, there ought to be added starting in the first grade courses in basic logic. Thereafter a lesson in logic should be required each year. Politicians should sign an oath promising to adhere to logical discussions and logical actions. I know this is a pipe dream. Nonetheless a great deal of newpaper and TV airtime would be better utilized if only logical discussions took place instead of biased, stereotypical and emotional ones. Below is a list of some of the most famous logical fallacies. Tonight when you watch the news or read your newpaper see if you can spot them in the commentator's discussion.

1.   Ad Hominem – “Argument against the man” Attacks the individual rather an proving the argument.

2.   Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc: If A occurred after B, then B must have caused A.

3.   Genetic Fallacy: Conclusion based on who presented the argument. If evil person presents the argument it cannot be correct.

4.   Ad Ignorantum. When you argue that something is true because it has not been proven to be false.

5.   Hasty Generalization: Conclusion based on hasty or insufficient evidence.

6.   Non sequitur logical fallacy - Conclusion does not follow from the cause or reason given

7.   Slippery Slope: If A happens then B C, D ...Z will happen.

8.   Begging the Claim: "filthy and polluting coal should be banned." "filthy and polluting" are assumed to support sufficient cause to ban.

9.   Ad Populum: Emotional appeal "If you are a true American you would believe in Man Made Global Warming"

10. Red Herring: Diversionary tactic "unborn babies may be considered human but who will take care of the children born to unwed mothers?"

11. Straw Man: "People who don't support the proposed state minimum wage increase hate the poor. 

12. Moral Equivalence: Compares minor misdeeds with major atrocities. "that parking attendant who gave me a ticket is as bad as Hitler."

Steve Musco

US Navy Veteran, US Coast Guard Veteran

7 年

Faith is important for spiritual well being, charity makes us loving humans, consensus has its place though certainly not in science.. However in all other things it is logic which must prevail.


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