The Logic Behind #NeverStopGrowing
Image: Katy.Tresedder/Flickr

The Logic Behind #NeverStopGrowing

Yesterday I was being interviewed for the May 9 launch of my new book, Co-Create, and was asked, “How do you keep your thinking fresh?”

My answer was, “I have an insatiable drive to #NeverStopGrowing.” (Yes, I did the “hashtag” thing with my fingers.)

Afterward, I kept thinking about how this mindset has permeated my professional and personal life. As you may know, as a boy, I came without my parents to the United States from Iran to live with distant relatives. My choice was stark: either grow or quit. Along my journey, there were some deep and painful valleys.

But my desire to learn, to seek out new insights, and - mostly importantly - to establish new relationships - not only took me through years of uncertainty but also led to the skills that have powered my career.

At the core of my practice is the belief that most people and organizations don’t value relationships nearly enough. Too many look at “relationship building” as a soft, nice-to-have skill.

I know differently. When you have close to zero relationships at an age when your peers are still safe and sound at home, you realize that nothing matters more than strong relationships.

But if you take this subject seriously, each new relationship comes with significant obligations. Before accepting the privilege of visiting someone in his or her office or home, I take the time to learn and see the world through that person’s eyes. This is not a “tactic” or “strategy”. It is rooted in my curiosity, my desire to growth, and in the value I place on strategic relationships.

Do you know what I mean by strategic?

Every day, you encounter a random assortment of people. Most of us have more acquaintances than we can remember. But you can make a real difference in some of these lives, and vice versa. Your son’s best friend or your daughter’s favorite teacher are worthy of your interest and attention. Likewise, is a business contact who shares similar values and aspirations with you.

Strategic relationships are the ones that really matter. For example, I especially crave relationships with two types of people. Some are those people who can benefit significantly from my skills and experience; in helping them, I accomplish my purpose in life. The other are people from whom I can learn. If you can teach me something new and valuable, I will follow you almost anywhere.

To me, #NeverStopGrowing is less a hashtag and more an inscription deep inside my brain. I’m genuinely terrified at the prospect of no longer growing, or even of slowing down my growth. This drive is the fuel for everything I do.

On sites like LinkedIn, you discover a lot of articles that encourage professionals to adopt a growth mindset. They make me smile, and perhaps a little sad. If someone has to convince you to adopt such a mindset, you will never be very good at growth. It must be such a fundamental part of your genetic makeup that failing to grow is like failing to eat or sleep; it just isn’t conceivable.

David Nour is the author of ten books including his new (May 2017) book, Co-Create: How Your Business Will Profit from Innovative and Strategic Collaboration. He is a popular speaker and a trusted advisor to many leading companies. Learn more at

Gordon Hunkin

People Development. Executive Coach (PCC), Facilitator, Writer. Enabling better decisions, better relationships, better teams, better performance.

7 年

Love the authenticity in your approach David. Very inspring in today's world where we seem so set on discovering those "tactics" or "strategies" that will give us the edge over the competition - that magic bullet of "how to do this..." or the "6 steps..." that will ensure we simply nail a particular behaviour that will make us unstoppable. Thank you for reminding us how important it is to make sure the heart is right and then work at getting the head and hands elements aligned with that. This connects well for me with your 13 April 2017 article on LinkedIn Pulse, "Heart Is What Drives Business Success." Thank for being a living example of this.

Nedaa Al Moqbel

Spectator Sports | Nature Photography | Interpretation and Localization | Storytelling Marketing | Intercultural Communication

7 年

Great article and thanks for sharing??.

