Logan On Fire
Logan, Connecticut Post, Brian Pounds

Logan On Fire

George Logan lost a race in 2022 to third term U.S. Representative in Connecticut’s 5th?U.S. Congressional District Jahana Hayes by a heart stopping slender margin. Logan lost by 1,842 votes out of over 250,000 votes cast.

An energetic Republican politician who served as a member of the Connecticut State Senate representing Connecticut's 17th?District, Logan is back for round two, and he has brought some friends with him. Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Mike Johnson recently stumped with Logan at a successful Hartford fundraiser.

The current 2024 race will be different than the 2022 race because, while the personalities are the same, political circumstances have changed.

COVID has expired, according to President Joe Biden. Schools have been reopened, but education, for various reasons unrelated to monies spent, has suffered throughout the nation. Some businesses that had survived the politically induced shutdowns during the COVID epidemic have reopened, but many small businesses were casualties of political decisions. Business offices in struggling, tax starved cities have been hollowed out by workers retreating to their homes during the COVID hysteria. And even some larger businesses closed or were sadly diminished by excessive taxation and regulations.

The neo-progressive call to appropriate business assets is unending. Bidenomics – the incessant neo-progressive demand for more regulation and higher business taxes, collected by businesses but paid by business clients -- is a proven failure. Neo-progressive Democrats in Connecticut, who have forgotten everything and learned nothing from the Biden administration’s mishandling of the national economy, continue to press for more money and budget-busting, inflationary spending.

The nation’s grownups, heirs to a crippling national?debt of $32.4 trillion, appear to have awakened from solipsistic fantasies peddled by neo-progressives that their debt may be passed on to their children and their children’s children without adverse consequences.

The 2024 election will be a political contest between two parties -- the woke, and the awakened.

Successful politics is the art of telling people what they already know to be true. Democrats, full of pretenses, have failed their constituents in this regard. We know that real inflation compounded is approaching 18 percent, that the southern border no longer prevents border-jumpers, some of them criminal, many of them unknown, from slipping into border states where, improperly processed, others are deported to a variety of poorly secured cities walled by sanctuary laws that do not facilitate their return to their home countries. And we also know from embittering experiences that the prices of needed products are sky high.

For the 12 months ending February the annual inflation rate for the United States rose to 3.2%, compared to the previous rate of 3.1%, already high. The annual inflation rate in 2020 was 1.23%. Inflation, a hideous hidden tax, is an economy killer. Since 1913, the United States has experienced a staggering compounded 2,555% inflation. Compounding inflation means that something that cost $9.80 in January 1913 would now cost $296.28 in July 2023. Most classical?economists attribute inflation to “too many dollars” -- the excessive printing and borrowing of money to pay off government debt -- “chasing too few goods.” The current U.S. national debt is $33.99 trillion.

In his?Logan for Congress?page, Logan lists six priorities:

1) A very modest proposal -- if it isn’t a problem, don’t advance a solution that exacerbates the problem. The first duty of a U.S. Representative is to represent in Congress productive actions and programs that benefit those you claim to represent. This is called leadership.

2) Fix inflation.??Logan vows to “oppose massive spending packages that lead to out-of-control inflation, which is hurting our families, seniors, and veterans.”

3) Oppose failed policies and “fight power grabs by out-of-touch politicians who think they know better than the people of Connecticut.”

4) Boost energy production and independence. Logan “will support American energy independence in order to reduce gas prices and continue working towards clean energy solutions here at home.”

5) Support safety measures. He “will always support our law enforcement officers, firefighters, and EMS [Emergency Medical Services] and work to provide them with the necessary resources needed to protect our families and students.”

6) Through rational national and international policies, Logan will “always stand with our brave men and women who have served and protected our country.”

7) Secure America’s borders. “Our communities are fighting a deadly battle with fentanyl and opioid addiction. We must secure our border and fight the drug cartels who are profiting from America’s addiction crisis and enabled by do-nothing politicians in Washington.”

Logan says he is running for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives because, “It’s time for someone different to tackle the problems we face in Connecticut and in Washington, D.C. The status quo isn’t working for the people of Connecticut and it’s certainly not working in Washington, D.C. either. I am living proof that the American dream is alive and well. And I’m running for Congress because that dream can’t end with me. I want my children and future generations to have the opportunity to reach their full potential in life.”

The compartmentalizing of various ethnic groups by Democrats for election purposes into voting tribes – women, students, the poor, non- whites – have not yet convinced majorities in any of these groups that a free-market system cannot allocate social rewards on the basis of personal energy and industry, a hopeful sign in this the winter of our discontents.

Logan is fully prepared to argue the case for free markets and social unity.


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