The log called education.
I think teachers and students are two people carrying one log. If the teacher is lazy, the student will be difficult. On the contrary, if the teacher is diligent, the student will be comfortable.
I design my life as a teacher in three stages.
- Stage 1: The stage where my class becomes easy.
- Stage 2: The stage where my class becomes fun.
- Stage 3: The stage where my class becomes happy.
Imagine a class in which students are happy. Imagine a class in which students want to take more times even after class. Why did we think it was impossible until now?
I feel like I'm somewhere in stage 2 right now considering the responses from my students. I've spent the last 15 years to get to this stage. And I have 12 years left for me in the future. I want to get to stage 3 before then. I want all my students to fall in love with literature like I do.