Locking Socket Covers
John Kirby
Chief Executive Officer at Chapter-Street (Holdings) Limited (CSL) | EV Ambassador/Advocate (E-Vangelist) | Green Energy Specialist | SME Consultant | NED | SME Investor
I find it abhorrent that a company in the UK promotes the use of “Locking Socket Covers” https://twitter.com/csljohnkirby/status/1251411596775219200 The simple fact is that whilst all professional electrician do lock-off circuits to enhance safe working practices that locking off is only on “Dead” circuits to prevent “Live” working.
By locking off live circuits, restricting access to a means of safe-isolation is wrong, and should not be done, in fact breaches the Electricity at Work Act Regulation 12 https://www.hse.gov.uk/pUbns/priced/hsr25.pdf Health and Safety Executive
London Fire Brigade have done amazing work on raising awareness around the safety of white goods, just imagine for a moment that a tumble dryer starts to overheat, rather than touching controls on it, the removal of power via the Fused Connection Unit or Socket is the safest way to isolate, without risking ones own safety. One should then get out and stay out, call the fire brigade.
How would one feel if a child was being electrocuted and one could not safely isolate the circuit/supply so you could assist them?
We, are professional electrician have worked so hard in association with the IET formally IEE to improve safety, we have an enviable safety record, all this hard work should not be set back now.
@electrica safety first needs to take this on board, we have to maintain the standards that have been set. Let’s ensure that our homes and our workplaces are as safe as they possibly can be.