5 LinkedIn Features To Elevate You

5 LinkedIn Features To Elevate You

So, as a LinkedIn Trainer, one of the key questions I get asked - even today is...

Isn't LinkedIn just for B2B? (or replace B2B with other versions like 'Recruiters', 'Corporates' or 'Hiring')

And I find myself explaining how LinkedIn is the ideal place for those of you who would like to become more 'visible' in front of the right 'people' and 'build relationships' through connecting and conversing - long term

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After all, whether you're a business owner, entrepreneur or professional, isn't that what business networking is about. Choosing to spend time with people in a human way, connecting and creating meaningful conversations and finding familiar ground.

So you can collaborate through an extended network through building a PERSONAL BRAND.

So, this week's edition of the Leads from LinkedIn Newsletter is all about focussing on key features LinkedIn have given us - so that we can do exactly that. Build a Personal Brand that others want to follow and familiarise themselves - in a human-led, authentic (real) way. Just like we would do if we met in person.

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Don't do ONLINE what you wouldn't do OFFLINE. I mean, would you sell to me the moment I said 'hello' to you. Of course not - so why do it online.

Let's take a look at some of the key features I believe will change the way you come across on LinkedIn and will get more eye-balls on you and bring your ideal clients closer to you...

So let's kick off with those features:

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  1. Ring My Bell ??: Your Profile now has a notification bell. Now don't be fooled as when you go to your own, you won't be able to see it. But your prospects will... So when creating content, doing LIVES or uploading videos, remind everyone to visit your profile and click on your bell. This will allow your network to be notified when you're creating engaging content.
  2. LinkedIn Cover Video: This was released a while ago and is still a feature that many have not yet activated, Now there could be a few reasons for this: one being creating a video is just not a comfortable thing. Or that you suffer from that think called 'Perfection Syndrome' Whatever your reason, don't let it stop you. The great thing about meeting new people for the first time, is you get a vibe about their personality just from spending a few seconds with them. This feature allows your ideal prospects to experience you and your personality for a full 30 secs and allows you to 'speak' to people and explain what you're all about in a short, succinct and personalised way.
  3. LinkedIn Lives: I don't get it. Everyone moaned about the time that LinkedIn took to roll out LinkedIn Lives. Now that you all have it (as long as you have Creator Mode turned on) - you're not taking advantage. I know with the rise of Social Audio (Don't worry, that's coming next on my list), LinkedIn Lives seems to be the poor cousin but it's still powerful. Being on video and having a conversation with your network; bringing interesting guests onto your LIVEs or simply showing up and giving value gets you visible. I go LIVE every Monday morning at 9.30am (UK time) regardless of how people turn up. As so many comment on #replay and DM me afterward thanking me for the value and asking for more info on my services. Get visible peeps. And here's the best bit. Using Streamyard or Restream means you can go LIVE on multiple platforms at the same time! How's that for repurposing and reach
  4. LinkedIn Audio: Ok, so we don't all have this yet. Not even me but whilst the 300 odd BETA testers trial it out and improve the glitches, doesn't mean you can't get into one of the Audio rooms and experience it. Or better still, collaborate with some of the BETA testers and be a co-panelist on stage to share your expertise. Here are some of the advantages of getting into a #LinkedInAudioRoom: A) You are visible in front of other audience members you may not have met. B) You can ask to go on stage and ask a question - and people in the audience get to hear you. C) When on stage, your headline gets shown to everyone - easier for people to see what you do and follow you. D) You get new followers. Ultimately, your experience as a user will help you navigate it better when you get access. Be an early adopter and get involved
  5. LinkedIn Newsletter (just like this one): This has been a gamechanger when it comes to eyeballs on your content. Articles have been around for years and although they have been impactful for those who have been consistent, it was challenging to get high views on it. Here's the beauty of the newsletter; first one you publish, every person in your network gets an invitation to subscribe to it. Once subscribed, each time you release your newsletter on LinkedIn - it goes into your newsfeed AND lands into the email inbox of every member who subscribed. You don't get access to their email but it doesn't matter, as their eyes are on your newsletter. And because of LinkedIn's love affair with Google - it's optimised and doesn't land in people's junk folder. Get yours out!

So that's it for this week. Believe me, there are a lot more of these features I can talk about but will leave it with these 5 for now...otherwise this newsletter will never end

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The above will attract your ideal prospects in a much more H2H way (Human2Human) - as long as you don't make the content all about selling!!!!!. And will make you appear as a real, human being, who cares. Time to leverage LinkedIn's features; they're all free to use - J.F.D. It.

Let me know how you get on with these - Happy Tuesday

Dee xox

Want to know how much of a LinkedIn Influencer you are? Take the Leads from LinkedIn QUIZ & measure how you're doing and what you can improve on based on your score. And be honest with yourself - that way you'll get the right tips to help you. CLICK BELOW to take the QUIZ

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Meg Verre

Need Huge Ideas or ingenious sparks? Short on time? Just 15 minutes Consultation Chat might help you. Life is short- I know personally. I’m an ongoing lung ?? cancer patient.

2 年

Interesting- a great overview of the 5 new features coming out on LinkedIn. I am currently trying to get connections with Audio events hosts and finding opportunities to be co-hosting with their topics- sadly LinkedIn has yet to offer a daily calendar for audio or live video for us to connect into our personal calendars or even create a LinkedIn calendar tab for sharing these daily events. Thanks ??



