Astro Numerologist And Paranormal Expert DEVENDRA GOUR
SINCE1935 ?Global Excellence Award (GEA-2019)|Global Icon Award|Maharishi Parashar Samman|Gaurav Samman | Avadh Gaurav Samman|Certified by IAF & USCIL|Member of World Paranormal Society|Gold medal?? ??|ISO|& many more...
Do you find yourself locked?
Locked does not mean being locked at any place like behind the bars or getting stuck in between the four walls but being locked at any or various stages of life.
Aren't all of us locked somewhere in our life?
If the answer to the above question is no, then there is no doubt that you are amongst the luckiest one.
But the crude reality is contrary to what it appears to us. All of us do get locked in very many situations during the small journey of life. The journey of life is not so small though, one experiences various emotions like happiness, sadness, pain, agony and the list goes on. It is not the matter of concern, whether the person is wise enough to make decisions, the instances are such that he/she gets stuck in such dilemmas where the wisest person fails. At times, relations create such muddle, that a person has no option but to kneel down and let the things take their own course. Everyone does their best to sail out through the situations but fail to do so and gets entangled more. Such situations of life are either created by some other person, when we are small, completely dependent on our parents or by any other person who is somewhere responsible for our upbringing or by the individual only when he/she is capable enough to make their own decisions.
The one and only reason of being locked is the fear from within an individual or by their loved ones which mostly lead to the wrong doors. The question is not on the existence of fear but the biggest concern is that the fear of this kind can be misused by others who are not genuine at all.
A life begins with a single cell. The very moment, when a life comes into existence, the trap begins. A person becomes conscious and start believing into various kinds of belief to bring a healthy child into the world. Many myths are believed, many activities are practised in order to protect the child in the womb from evil eyes. The fear for our loved ones creates the trap and the person unknowingly becomes the part. We never try to know the reason behind but follow like a sheep herd. On seeing someone getting successful in their life, we try to incorporate the same formulae to ours, which is completely wrong. Like two cases can never be the same, though the situation might seem similar, similarly, we can never get the same result on mirroring the practise.
After the life comes into existence, from name ceremony till the last rituals, one keeps getting bound, sometimes by the family or by the relatives, even by friends and at most by their own self.
The name giving ceremony is an old practice, the first ritual which is done, that is giving name to the child. In olden days proper ceremony was done by selecting proper alphabets for the name depending upon the birth chart of the child, that to by an expert like Kulguru, priest or a learned person who had specialized knowledge. But in today’s modern era, we name the child as per our choice. In fact the name of the child is decided by the parents prior to the birth of the child, i.e., when the child is in his/her mother's womb. We do so many preparations, celebrations overlooking the practices which has been into practices since ages and proving that we are modern belonging to the new century. Here we are locked by our modern thoughts, freedom etc. where we have forgotten the importance of naming the child as per the birth details which in turn result in creating imbalance in the child’s life.
At one end, we are becoming modern by naming the child as per our choice and on the contrary, we make child wear some or the other things or tie threads, for protection from evil eye, good health etc. But do they really work? For such things to work, proper energising of that particular thing is required to function as the protecting shield. But whether they are energized or not? Do we really care, we are hardly concerned about the mechanism, and follow the sheep herd, by seeing others which is completely wrong and we get locked by wrong practices.
As the child grows, we lock them up under our expectations, the pressure of studies, career, and future. This pressure gets so immense, that we approach different experts for the betterment of the future of our child. We as parents, get so deeply entangled that we further make them wear multiple gemstones and many more remedies wasting the hard earned money. (This is now a new trend where people who just read few books and start considering themselves as an experts which is equivalent to cheating where we give permission to cheat us. So making a correct choice of expert is very importance)
The major issue here, are not the gemstones or the remedies, but the accurate requirements. The remedies might not have any existence, they can be mere a false practice which is being practiced since ages. We keep following them without knowing the reason behind which is completely wrong and letting us locked by such rituals.
Then comes the youth stage where we are full of enthusiasm, ready to work hard fulfilling our dreams and sometimes our parents dream. But again the youth gets deviated and are locked behind the career pressure, many are affected by friends, relationship etc. which again leads to wrong step.
Similarly, there are infinite situations where we are locked and fail to find that particular right key to open it. We not only get trapped in problems, but on the other hand we get trapped into many other things too. In order to get out of such troubles we knock at many wrong doors where we fail to free ourselves and get entangled into more locks.
We are so busy in our day to day life that we overlook small difficulties of our day to day life and get trapped into them to such an extent that they become part of our life.
Now is the time to free ourselves from all locks and get unlocked.
Article written by
PRO/LA (Brand Numerologist Devendra Gour since1935)