Locked Away
A former connection posted asking if people disconnect. One of my connections responded so it came to my feed. She said she unfollowed people. That is not how I do business.
In life I have given some "The Death Penalty". They can continue with their miserable lives. I want nothing to do with them. If I disconnect with someone who keeps popping up with the self serving posts that caused me to annul the relationship (there was no union. They posted and never engaged.) they are also muted.
Once in a while I check the list of people I unfollowed. One former colleague was unfollowed by accident. I think he has a dead profile. Remember that when people brag about eight hundred fifty million accounts. Many open an account and do little with it.
It has been estimated there are one million active users on this site. There are plenty of interesting, worthwhile people to leave others in the dust. Some disconnect because they have not heard from someone. That is unfair.
Seeing the ones I unfollowed is like walking Arkham Asylum. No one committed any crimes. They have no idea I was rubbed the wrong way by their self aggrandizing posts. I had an idea to write an article where one of them was The Blob and they took over the entire site.
It inspired me to watch that brief yet entertaining Steve McQueen movie. No article is forthcoming because I don't write about non connections in the rear view. There are more than enough lovely people to rise up to. If someone cramps your style, if the bad outweighs the good, cut them loose. They won't know.
I have been jettisoned. The disconnected person is not informed. Curate your feed. It is better having a quality of connections who propel you forward instead of someone who incites something that is not life affirming.