Lockdown Syndrome
Lockdown 3.0 is proving quite difficult for our mental wellbeing. With dark nights, cold temperatures and tightened Covid restrictions, we are not able to enjoy the garden in the sunshine - totally different to lockdown 1.0.
With no firm end date, we’ve been looking at ways to help our employees stay sane whilst working from home.
1. Stick to a routine: this gives the mind and body some normality; time to exercise, time to ‘switch off’, take a lunch break (away from the desk and putting your phone down a minimum of one hour before bed can help you sleep better.
2. Choose calm over chaos: you don’t have to become the next Mary Berry, or the 21st Century Van Gogh - setting extreme goals might lead to disappointment so we recommend online Chess with your bestie - inspired by The Queen’s Gambit of course - thank goodness for Netflix!
3. Fresh air: try going for a walk around the block before siting down to work. It feels like you’ve arrived and the fresh air will get the day off to a good start. The same goes for lunchtime, at least stand outside for a few minutes to clear your mind.
4. Team camaraderie: it’s easy to get Zoomed-out. Maybe for one week, keep the video calls for colleagues and the good old fashioned telephone call for everyone else. We love a regular catch-up, our team spirit is strong and we all support each and have a good laugh and a joke!
5. Power naps: if you find it difficult to sleep during the day, we can recommend Yoga Nidra! Half way between meditation and hypnotherapy, a 25-30 minutes session of super deep relaxation is equal to a few hours quality sleep.
6. Limit the news to once or twice a day.
7. Drink plenty of water - staying hydrated makes such a difference to your mood. We all know the importance of drinking plenty of water, but so many people forget - a gentle reminder on your phone is a good idea until you get into the habit.
8. If you think of someone, text them. Hearing from a friend out of the blue could be just what the doctor ordered!
We’d love to hear your lockdown sanity tips.
Please join us on social media if there’s anything we missed.