Lockdown with Luca and Leo
Rebecca Heald
Passionista in Sustainability | Helping SME Construction Leaders Deliver Sustainable Projects by Fixing Leadership & Team Dynamics | Founder of The Heald Method? | Unfiltered. Unapologetic. Unstoppable.
We are entering our 4th week of lockdown.
What thoughts, feelings and emotions are you experiencing?
It dawned on me last night that I only share the good stuff.
Of course, there is a reason for that...
I know how lucky I am to be able to stay safe, at home with my beautiful children and with enough food to see us through.
I try to remain positive and see the good that is coming out of this, for the sake of my children if nothing else!
That doesn’t mean that it is easy by any stretch of the imagination!
I am on my own 24/7 with two young boys, each with their own complex challenges, following what only be described at the most heartbreakingly difficult year of our lives!
We argue every day!
I shout more than I should!
I cry - a lot!
I doubt myself every other moment...
I cannot thank the few, very precious people who are supporting me...??
But we will get through this and I am learning to understand my boys wants and needs more than I ever have.
We have been together solidly for over 552 hours now!
We have also developed a much, much deeper bond that I don’t think will ever be broken.
But the best thing to come out of this situation so far is just how much I am learning to understand myself better.
I am seeing why I act the way I do, why I make the choices I do and this is the first step towards positive change.
I have learned:
?? why I make the food choices I do.
??the impact this has on my mood, which directly impacts my children.
??that I am very emotionally driven.
??how unrealistic my approach to exercise and training was.
??that I can stay fit and healthy without a gym.
??that my lack of personal and professional boundaries has seriously been holding me back.
But the biggest lesson I have learned is that I am enough!
I have all of the answers inside of me, I just need a little help and support from my coach and my loved ones to help me realise it!
Scrolling through the internet and looking for ‘quick fixes’ isn’t the answer!
Consistency, persistence, self-belief and self-love are what we all need right now!
Oh and video calls....they have helped a lot ?? #whenyouknowyouknow ??
Look after yourself first, everything else will follow xx