Lockdown Gems
PK Anil Kumar
Creative Head with a Heart that cooperates, a Body that follows and a Soul that guides. Multiple Cannes Lion winner!
Few gems I collected during the lockdown.
?Lesser the rooms, closer you stay.
?Parked cars are parked cars, no matter what the brand.
?A cushion is a pillow you use while watching television in your drawing room.
?If you’re not ashamed of eating, don’t be ashamed of doing the dishes.
?No one helps you clean after you shit. If you think it that way, it’ll be easy to clean the floors you walk on.
?What you wear is what keeps you comfortable and even if it make others uncomfortable.
?You’re always at the cleaner end of a broom.
?By closing the door you don’t keep your fears outside. But by opening your heart, you do.
?What it tastes like depends on how hungry you are.
?You are not lonely when you’re drinking even though you may be alone.
?If you had invested in love in your friendship, you’ll get love in return.
If you had invested money in your friendship you’ll disappointment.
?Choose one corner of your house to work from home otherwise even your bathroom will stink of your workplace.
?Don’t lie over the phone when your kids are around otherwise they’ll never trust you when you speak to them on phone.
?You’ve all the time in the world. Relish and savour your food. Eat your food as if it’s an occasion to celebrate. Don’t consume to stay alive.
?Invite dreams to your sleep. Make your sleep an entertaining event.
...P K Anil...