LOCK-DOWN DAY-4 Saturday ( 28th March 2020)w

At the level of spirit, everything is always unfolding perfectly. We don’t have to struggle or force situations to go our way like this crucial mahamari time ( COVID-19) . When we become still and listen to the voice of our inner intelligence, fears and insecurities will dissipate and we will flow with grace.

“Balance is the perfect state of still water. Let that be our model. It remains quiet within and is not disturbed on the surface.” –Confucius
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Balance is our ability to be flexible in the face of constant change. It isn’t about struggling to impose a sense of order in our life or getting organized “once and for all,” for that implies the pursuit of a static state that can actually lead to distress or illness. 

Working hard to achieve balance is counterproductive because we all possess a natural impulse to grow that automatically keeps us in balance. We can, however, hinder or block this impulse by making choices that create a lot of resistance or stress in our lives. If we live out of harmony long enough, we’re likely to develop various illnesses or disorders. 

Ayurveda teaches that the path to perfect health is learning to maintain balance, in the mind and spirit as well as in the body. In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to become severely out of balance if we don’t pay attention to what we’re feeling, and what we need. Fortunately, there are many wonderful tools for developing balance, including meditation, physical exercise, a nurturing diet, and a restful sleep routine.

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Take a few minutes today to consider where you’re out of balance and how you can restore your natural equilibrium.

We must balance the four crucial areas of our life:

1.our personal life, 2. our relationships, 3.our work life,4.our social contribution ...etc.

Balance on an external level is about alignment of the wheel. it is about adjusting our priorities based on the need of the moment, and focusing on that particular wheel which is out of alignment.

However, a deeper aspect of balance that resides within us is about our attitudes and values the we have explored in the difficult time.

Ravendu Kansara

COVID-19 Lockdown Day-4


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