Lockdown 2.0 - Using this Time to Benefit Your Businesses
John Stevenson
Founder/Director of Zero Procure - making procurement simple at ZERO cost!
OK. Here we go again. Lockdown 2 - The Sequel. If only it was just like in the movies and we knew how long the thing lasted before we started.
Although we've been here before, it does seem different this time around. More serious even. So what lessons have we learnt from last time and what can we do this time around to maximise the downtime we have? Let's face it, we're not going to watch Tiger King again!!
Coming through this almost all of our respective businesses will be different. We will think of them in a slightly different way and we will certainly not take how we run them for granted. What we also know is that during this time of enforced closure, we need to use this time to get ourselves set for coming out of the other side. Many of us have multiple conversations daily about things like "How long will it last?", "Will social distancing be here for the foreseeable future?" and most soberingly "Can we ride this out?"
The truth is we don't know the answer to some of these questions and even when we think we do, a day or two later, our thinking might change.
What can we do? Well in the first lockdown apart from doing morning zoom workouts and staring at sourdough starters, we tidied lots of things up. Gardens were looking great, cupboards that hadn't been looked at for a while were now nice and organised. Lots and lots of these small jobs all combined made us feel better.
Now with the second lockdown almost upon us, maybe we can do all of these things for our businesses. Just like in our normal lives, there are usually parts of our businesses that need tidying up, some areas might need a workout and of course certain areas can always be more organised. It is also on our minds about what we spend and how we spend it. We do not always have the time to look at these things when we are operating normally, but now we have been given time, isn't this actually a great opportunity for us to do this?
Zero Procure can't help with all of the issues, but we can, free of charge, help you zero in on what you are spending and see if we can help you tidy that part of your businesses up a little.
If you would like to use some of this enforced time we have been given to have a look at your outgoings, get in touch. Although we would normally prefer to meet you face to face, we can initially have a chat to see if we can help you get ready for the other side of this lockdown.
Please give us a call on 0208 2790 818, email [email protected] or visit www.zeroprocure.com.