Locating the Future (Part 1)

Locating the Future (Part 1)

It has often been said that if you don't know where you are going, anywhere would be okay. It is not a myth, it is very true. Even if you've not been to a place before, when you know the purpose of going there and have gotten the right direction to the place, your confidence of approach will differ from someone who is confused or disinterested.

Most of the time in the office, I get to describe a place I've not ever been to, to my colleagues through the aid of Google Earth Pro software. In fact, I will tell them to turn to 'right', 'left' and there and here as if I have toured the whole place all my life. The truth: I've not been there but what do I have? I have the guidelines and training to fulfill that responsibility.

This inspires me a lot. No one knows the future. What we have at hand is the past and the present? These two 'wonderful' determinant affect our views of the future and how we will get there. No matter the experience you may have, either good or not too good, you can turn it to a good raw material of training for the present so that you can have a beautiful finished product for the future.

Locating the future is neither complex nor confusing. Start from where you are, listen attentively and practically to instructions, adhere strictly to life's guidelines and of course, if you miss the road, don't orchestrate guilt or pain or regret. Simply turn back and follow the right path.

There is greatness inside of you which is waiting to be unveiled to the world. Believe in you. Believe in possibilities. Look inward and around, the future is not as far as you think. The future is now.

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