Localization in Laravel
Step 1: Configure Localization Settings
Open the config/app.php file and set the locale to your default language. For example, if you want to use English (en), find the 'locale' setting and set it to 'en'.
'locale' => 'en',
Step 2: Create Language Files
Create language files for the languages you want to support. Laravel uses a directory-based structure for language files. Inside the resources/lang directory, create subdirectories for each language code (e.g., en for English, fr for French).
Create a file resources/lang/en/messages.php with the following content:
// resources/lang/en/messages.php
return [
'welcome' => 'Welcome to our application!',
'date' => 'Date: :date',
'apples' => '{0} No apples|{1} One apple|[2,*] :count apples',
Create a similar file for French: resources/lang/fr/messages.php
Step 3: Use Localization in Views
In your Blade views, use the trans helper function or the @lang directive to display translated strings:
<!-- Using trans helper function -->
{{ trans('messages.welcome') }}
<!-- Using @lang directive -->
Step 4: Dynamic Content Localization
For dynamic content like date formats, use the __ function with placeholders:
{{ __('messages.date', ['date' => now()->formatLocalized('%A %d %B %Y')]) }}
Step 5: Pluralization
Handle pluralization using the trans_choice function in your language files:
// In resources/lang/en/messages.php
'apples' => '{0} No apples|{1} One apple|[2,*] :count apples',
And in your Blade views:
{{ trans_choice('messages.apples', $count) }}
Step 6: Retreiving Locales From Request
To retreive the application locale, you can use the given middleware:
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Closure;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class SetLocaleLanguage
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
$lang = session('lang', 'en');
return $next($request);
Step 7: Switching Locales Dynamically
To change the application locale dynamically, you can use this SetLocaleLanguage method:
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Closure;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class SetLocaleLanguage
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
$lang = session('lang', 'en');
return $next($request);
Step 8: Route should be something like this:
Route::get('/change-locale/{locale}', [LanguageController::class, 'locale'])->name('locale.change');
Visit your application in the browser, and add ?lang=fr to the URL to test the French localization.
That's it! You now have a localized Laravel application ready to serve a global audience. Happy coding! ????