Local Social Responsibility - Valtellina Mark
Bermec boasts the Local Social Responsibility certification, namely the certification obtained through the Sondrio Chamber of Commerce that allows to promote and enhance the reputation of those companies attentive to the values of social responsibility and committed to contributing to the growth of the economic, social, cultural and environmental well-being of the Valtellina territory.
This certification enhances Bermec's role, impact and link with the territorial system and aims to highlight our social and environmental sustainability behaviour, which interacts with the socio-economic context and the cultural and landscape identity of our territory.
Attention to the environment, local identity and social commitment is the fundamental condition for obtaining the Certification, which is then the prerequisite for the assignment of the Valtellina Impresa Mark.
Recently, a video was made to enhance this brand and the concept of “doing business in Valtellina,” capturing the values and identity of our territory in its images.
Bermec was also pleased to participate in the making of the beautiful images in it, lending its human resources.
Enjoy the vision!
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