Local SEO using your YouTube channel #2
Continue from previous chapter
Tag your business category and location
The YouTube tags are commonly used to talk exclusively about the genre of the video itself, but if you take the time to tag the industry you’re in, along with your location (using the city name, state and country is usually good enough) to help users find you when they’re looking for.
Add the video to your Google+ Local Page
Once you add the video to your Google+ Local Page you can have your employees, community manager, and anyone else share it from there. Increased activity on Google+ is a ranking factor as popularity increases Pagerank, it being associated with your location makes it all the better for your local SEO – something that sharing from YouTube itself can’t offer.
Add the video to your Google Places Listing
Copy the full page URL from the address bar and paste it into your Google Places page. Do not use the shortened link as this will not work.
Embed your video on your website/blog
Doing this will help build association between all of your local SEO efforts on YouTube and your website. This complementary action will help raise the profile of both your website and your YouTube video as the data feeds off both points.
Promote your Youtube video on multiple channels
This may not directly impact your local SEO beyond the fact that it will raise your Pagerank period. I higher ranking in general drags your local SEO up with it, and a popular and well promoted video will always rank better than an ignored one. Keep it short and sweet: