The Local Ought to Become Global!
A swift look at the recent geopolitical trends around the world tells us a myriad about how the survival of our very planet is at stake if we fail to emphasize the importance of global communities coming together to form a stronger union that will prepare humanity for the upcoming challenges of global warming and economic instability caused by technological disruption in the coming decades. Events such as Brexit should act as a warning not only for the European Union but for the world as a whole since it is a signal that more and more nations are willing to abandon their commitments to their neighbors in exchange for gaining temporary socioeconomic advantages but this short sighted approach is doomed to fail!
The Internet has already shortened the distance and accelerated communication among people all over the globe and this has democratized technology which when combined with the rapidly rising strength and accuracy of artificial intelligence could lead to the creation of new forms of social and political conflicts among nations. Laying the foundation for cooperation among members of the global community can make it easier to address the issue of job creation upon and after the rise of intelligent robots that are more than capable of replacing most if not all the workforce by the end of the 21st century including the creative professions that are long thought to belong only to the human domain!
On yet another note, global warming, which despite the undeniable evidence offered by scientists and researchers is still ignored by many a statesman, can be a major source of concern in the future. While nations can temporarily fix the local economies by abandoning their commitments to the global community there is no such approach when it comes to resolving the environmental issues and climate change within the arbitrary borders of a given nation. The carbon dioxide emission in Pittsburgh can indeed lead to the deterioration of climate in Paris and vice versa and unless all nations come together to take a measurable step there will be no escaping the perpetually worsening grip of climate change.
Despite the new uprising of ultra nationalist agenda around the world, we need to come to the realization that local ought to become global and leaders around the world need to come to terms with the fact that it is in their best interest to forgo the short term gain achieved by becoming preoccupied with home to avoid the long term pain of having to deal with a world that is not fit to face with the challenges of the future. The local ought to become global!