Einstein revealed that LOCAL SYMMETRY is the primary feature of Nature, i.e., the cosmos. Consequently, the LOCAL SYMMETRIC element comes first in Nature (the cosmos), and being global is only a special case of being local, which means: Local comes first, global comes second.

“Based on our experiences so far, we have reason to be confident that nature is the realization of the simplest conceivable mathematical concept.”—Albert Einstein (On the Method of Theoretical Physics, 10 June 1933, Author translation)

?“Einstein’s great advance in 1905 was to put symmetry first, to regard the symmetry principle as the primary feature of nature …” —David Gross (The role of symmetry in fundamental physics, PNAS, vol.93 no.25, 10 December 1996, p. 14256)

Albert Einstein’s genius was to scientifically unveil a) that the LOCAL laws of Nature (the cosmos) are the same, i.e., symmetric everywhere and all the time, and accordingly that b) LOCAL SYMMETRY is Nature’s wonderful core principle.

Einstein’s revolutionary, scientific findings were confirmed by outstanding mathematician Emmy Noether via her ground-breaking theorem, which later helped quantum physicists to discover that LOCAL SYMMETRY is also the core principle on the quantum mechanical level by underpinning all non-gravitational interactions (forces) like electromagnetism.

Nature self-organizes in a self-similar fashion via local symmetry (sameness, harmony, balance, unity) in a holistic fashion to become a global system of fine-tuned harmony, balance and creative unity.

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“... the language has been learned (…) at the center will be symmetry.” —Leon M. Lederman & Christopher T. Hill (Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe, 2004, p.289)


That Nature is built on local symmetry becomes especially apparent with respect to Nature on planet Earth. Here, on our beautiful home planet, Nature uses SYMMETRIC, LOCAL nutrient cycles to long-term generate a global, holistic unity-network based on local, symmetric circularity. The circle is the most symmetric shape, which one can rotate infinitely many times without causing change to the shape. The nutrient cycles use this circularity that can keep infinity whole, and that way, Nature ensures locally that all used substances remain symmetric (the same), as they stay valuable nutrients in every phase of the nutrient cycle of Nature’s amazing circular bioeconomy. Again, we see: LOCAL COMES FIRST, GLOBAL SECOND.

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“If there is anything from which we can learn, it’s absolutely nature; because nature, it’s the biggest and the best circular economy (…) We belong to (…) nature. And that’s why we have to behave like we are part of (…) nature (…) Environment and economy are two sides of the same coin.”— Janez Poto?nik (New environmentalism and the circular economy: Janez Poto?nik at TEDxFlanders, 04.04.2014)


Human society, however, keeps running into a severe organizational problem time and again. Human beings repeatedly regard the global aspect as coming first, which is in stark contrast to Nature’s primary principle of local symmetry.

Global thinking is both short-term oriented and linear. For example: one considers the entirety of a piece of land, a field. The field as a whole is supposed to produce the greatest amount of profit in the shortest time possible. Accordingly, one uses huge amounts of fertilizer, pesticides, genetically modified plants and heavy machinery. All very expensive and resource-intensive. Soon, the soil will be depleted and ruined. In addition, all the used material to produce the chemicals and the machinery produces a lot of (toxic) waste. Take-Make-Waste, the destructive mantra of the linear, extractive economy that puts short-term profits and hence the destructive global agenda first.

This kind of global, short-term, linear thinking, that is most unnatural, destroys Nature’s primary feature of local symmetry, i.e., local circularity. Long term, this will result in severe imbalances, loss of biodiversity and natural resources. Global thinking is inherently negative and destructive from the outset.

It is an illusion to think that global thinking implements Nature’s harmonious unity (symmetry). Even if you have one crop looking exactly like the other on a globally managed field, this is not in line with Nature’s concept of local symmetry, wholeness or unity. Quite the contrary: As the global approach ignores Nature’s primary feature of locality, the global perspective separates itself right from the beginning from Nature’s root, from its constituting, holistic and simple principle of creativity, balance, circularity and unity.

Even worse: global thinking, as the illusion that it is, turns everything upside down and produces intensifying chaos. Why? The answer is very simple: Symmetry is a simple mathematical equation, as symmetry states that two, to our senses, seemingly different aspects (aspect #1 and aspect #2) are equal. Equality is expressed by the equal sign. So, in the most abstract, mathematical sense, one can write aspect #1 = aspect #2, or even more abstract: 1=2.

“Symmetry intimately involves the most basic of mathematical concepts: equivalence. When two things are the same thing, or equivalent, in mathematics, we say that they are equal, and we use the ubiquitous = sign.”— Leon M. Lederman & Christopher T. Hill (Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe, 2004, pp.14-15)

Symmetry, as one can easily see, is a binary configuration of unity, of wholeness. This is very important. Because aspect #1 is numerically smaller than aspect #2, which denotes the mathematical concept of ADDITIONALITY. This term of additionality has no limit and hence is a shorthand for infinity. There is a second way to understand that local symmetry contains infinity. Symmetry defines a unit or unity via the equal sign. This unit, as said, consists of two identical aspects. Each aspect can be regarded as a unit of its own. Since symmetry tells us that each unit is binary, it follows that each aspect, each unit, represents two units again and so on. Instantly, the concept of unity explodes into infinity. However, symmetry’s brilliance is that it can keep infinity part of its overall harmonious wholeness or oneness. That is, by the way, how physicists describe the quantum state of the universe: The universe is a whole which tries out infinitely many alternatives at the same time. That is exactly what symmetry tells us is the case.

Symmetry’s simple, all-encompassing equation of 1=2 also tells us that the first aspect, aspect #1, is small, concise, LOCAL, relative to aspect #2, that stands for additionality, i.e., infinity. So, symmetry’s first aspect informs us that symmetry is PRIMARILY LOCAL, i.e., small, concise, and only the second aspect ensures that all, i.e., infinity, BEING GLOBAL, is also part of local, holistic symmetry. That is exactly what Einstein scientifically revealed: that local symmetry is the core principle of Nature, i.e., the cosmos. This was again confirmed on the level of quantum mechanics: here, too, local symmetry is the primary feature, and global symmetry (the symmetry of the overall wavefunction of, e.g., an electron) is a special case of local symmetry (that keeps the electron’s overall wavefunction locally and hence also globally symmetric).

So, when humans primarily apply the global perspective, they also confuse everything, as they put aspect #2 (infinity, being global) on spot #1. But, Nature’s core symmetric principle states unequivocally that local comes first. As stated before, the global mindset then means that humans totally disconnect themselves from the locally holistic, harmonious, life-supporting, beautifully creative configuration of Nature, the cosmos, reality, the system that humans are part of.

Naturally, humans feel intuitively that the global approach does not work. That is why globalists tend to become ever more totalitarian, thereby ignoring more and more the primary local aspect such as biodiversity, nutrient-rich soil, filled with billions of microbes, soil that is alive and can sequester carbon and hold water. Globalists disregard human rights, the unalienable rights of the local individual, the constituting, primary element of communities, states or the global human family. Globalists disrespect Natural Law, human dignity, Nature, the cosmos itself.

This self-destructive way of disorganizing civilizations has occurred many times in human history. The co-founders of the thinktank RethinkX, James Arbib and Tony Seba, have produced a very profound book “Rethinking Humanity”, which is now also a compelling documentary on YouTube, that describes in a systematic fashion how towards the end of a civilization, the ruling elite tries to centralize all in a futile effort to avoid transformation that starts happening on the fringes in local hotspots. Totalitarian governments try to use obsolete band-aid solutions to suppress symptoms, which often leads to civil unrest, deepening social injustice, wars and chaos, as the new, locally emerging innovations are not being embraced out of a fear to lose the illusionary global grip on everything.

On the other hand, if new technologies are embraced, to promote decentralized structures that serve the individual, the people and hence strong communities, Arbib and Seba highlight that an unprecedented Age of Freedom is possible which is both positive for people and planet.

“The choice, therefore, is stark – collapse into a new dark age or move to a new Organizing System that allows us to flourish in a new Age of Freedom.”— James Arbib & Tony Seba (Rethinking Humanity, 2020, p.6)

Another example that focusses on organizing all in line with Nature’s way is the concept of the “Economy of Love” as promoted by the SEKEM initiative in Egypt, that, e.g., enables local farmers to implement biodynamic farming in a commercially successful fashion.

“An essential element of all living systems is a dynamic balance between self-preservation and integration. Neither aspect is either good or bad. Good is a dynamic balance between both.”— Ibrahim Abouleish (Die Sekem-Symphonie/The Sekem-Symphony, 2016, p.157, Author translation)

It is up to humanity to embrace Nature’s eco-intelligent way that is based on beautiful, holistic and simple LOCAL SYMMETRY.

“The perspectives offered by symmetry (…) It is imperative that we try to give the nonscientific members of society, who, through democratic processes, make the final decisions, a better understanding of the key issues. In fact, our future depends upon it.”—Leon M. Lederman & Christopher T. Hill (Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe, 2004, pp.24-25)


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