Local Business Highlight- Brownies and Ginger Soap Co.
Betti Russo
Your North Jersey Lifestyle Real Estate Expert | Specializing in Staging & Luxury Marketing for Your BEST Results
Welcome to another episode of our Monthly Local Business Highlight where we had the great pleasure of interviewing Carrie Sheehan of Brownies & Ginger Soap Co. Carrie runs an awesome business that is her own creation and she also has an Etsy store.
Check out what Carrie had to say here during the interview:
(Carrie) I make handmade soap, candles, body products. I have really dry skin and eczema and had started making my own soap for that reason. I was previously an RN working in the hospital for over 20 years and was looking for something different to do where I didn't have to commit to working holidays, weekends and nights, so my husband suggested that I try selling my soap.
That first year, 2013, I got a little table at a craft fair and a lot of people locally came and bought from me and it kind of took off from there. Over time, Christmas sales were great, and I started marketing my products as bridal shower, baby shower and wedding favors. It's been over almost seven years now and there's no turning back. I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd be here from where I was.