Local Axes - Shell Objects
Sushil Naikodi
Structural Engineer at dar | M.Tech | Earthquake Engineering | High-Rise Structures | Member of ACCE (I) "Once you realize your strength, obstacles seem insignificant."
o?? In ETABS, the orientation of the 1- and 2-axes and the positive direction of the 3-axis depend on the type (orientation) of the shell object.
o?? When local axes are displayed on the screen, local axis 1 is red, local axis 2 is green, and local axis 3 is blue, always.
o?? The default orientation of the local 1 and 2 axes is determined by the relationship between the local 3 axes and the global Z axis follows:
- The local 3-2 plane is taken to be vertical; that is, parallel to the Z axis.
- The local 2-axis is taken to have an upward (+Z) sense unless the element is horizontal, in which case the local 2-axis is taken to be horizontal along the global +Y direction.
- The local 1-axis is always horizontal; that is, it lies in the X-Y plane.
- M11: Direct moment per unit length acting at the mid-surface of the element on the positive and negative 1 faces about the 2-axis.
- M22: Direct moment per unit length acting at the mid-surface of the element on the positive and negative 2 faces about the 1-axis.
- M12: Twisting moment per unit length acting at the mid-surface of the element on the positive and negative 1 faces about the 1-axis, and acting on the positive and negative 2 faces about the 2-axis.
- V13: Out-of-plane shear per unit length acting at the mid-surface of the element on the positive and negative 1 faces in the 3-axis direction.
- V23: Out-of-plane shear per unit length acting at the mid-surface of the element on the positive and negative 2 faces in the 3-axis direction.
- S11: Direct stress (force per unit area) acting on the positive and negative 1 faces in the 1-axis direction.
- S22: Direct stress (force per unit area) acting on the positive and negative 2 faces in the 2-axis direction.
- S12: Shearing stress (force per unit area) acting on the positive and negative 1 faces in the 2-axis direction and acting on the positive and negative 2 faces in the 1-axis direction.
- S13: Out-of-plane shearing stress (force per unit area) acting on the positive and negative 1 faces in the 3-axis direction.
- S23: Out-of-plane shearing stress (force per unit area) acting on the positive and negative 2 faces in the 3-axis direction.
Pier Element Internal Forces:
The wall pier element internal forces are similar to the frame element internal forces. They are:
- P, the axial force
- V2, the shear force in the 1-2 plane
- V3, the shear force in the 1-3 plane
- T, the axial torque
- M2, the bending moment in the 1-3 plane (about the 2-axis)
- M3, the bending moment in the 1-2 plane (about the 3-axis)
Wall Pier Local Axes for a Three-Dimensional Pier
In a three-dimensional wall pier, the local axes are defined as follows:
- The local 1 axis extends from the bottom of the pier to the top of the pier. The positive local 1 axis is in the same direction as the positive global Z-axis.
- The local 2-axis is parallel to the longest leg of the wall. The positive local 2 axis has a positive projection on the global X-axis or if the 2-axis is parallel to the global Y-axis then the positive 2-axis is in the same direction as the positive Y-axis.
- The direction of the positive local 3 axis is determined by applying the right-hand rule.
Spandrel Element Internal Forces:
The wall spandrel element internal forces are similar to the frame element internal forces.
Wall Spandrel Local Axes
The local 1-2 plane is in the plane of the wall spandrel. The positive local axis 1 is horizontal and has a positive projection on the global X-axis, or if the plane of the spandrel is oriented parallel to the global Y-Z plane, axis 1 is in the same direction as the positive global Y-axis. The positive local 1-axis points from the i-end of the spandrel to the j-end of the spandrel.
- The positive local 2 axis points upward in the same direction as the positive global Z-axis.
- The local 3 axis is horizontal and perpendicular to the plane of the spandrel. The direction of the positive local 3 axis is determined from the right-hand rule.