With Local Authorities restarting soft recovery action, proactive evening contact is producing excellent results.
As local authorities plan carefully to resume customer contact for much needed income recovery, some are introducing Telsolutions Low Impact Evening and Weekend Contact strategies to enable them at low risk to resume recovery action and payment reminders.
For local authorities there is now a clear window of opportunity to finally move away from mailed reminders to customers, and switch to cheaper and far more effective digital alternatives. Moving to customer digital contact alternatives will save each local authority more than 80% over their existing process costs.
At the start of 2020, Telsolutions launched two new contact strategies based around customer habits and behaviour for local authority Revenues and Benefit teams.
The objective of Low Impact Evening & Weekend Campaigns (LIEC, LIWC) is to prompt customers of the need to act with an outstanding matter that they may have previously been contacted on at the most effective time to evoke a self service response.
Communication contact during the part of the day, perceived to be ‘personal time’, creates a different dynamic outcome, result and reaction. Many customers will opt to self-serve and settle matters when they have more free time and complete this alongside other commercial transactions. Adjusted for post COVID 19 requirements, these soft contact communications are generating startling results.
Chatbots are rapidly becoming a very useful new tool for engagement & operate 24/7. Telsolutions Chatbots handle specific revenue and benefit requirements for local authorities.
Whilst local authorities balance the need for income, restarting recovery processes and a low risk contact strategy, these campaigns represent a proven method to generate results.
For more details, contact Daniel Pearce.