the lobsterpot< – uk med market needs desperate boost, sativa-filled suitcases seized, trump is a still a tw*t

the lobsterpot< – uk med market needs desperate boost, sativa-filled suitcases seized, trump is a still a tw*t

What up thermidorks<? Did ya miss me?

Course not (it’s been like 2 weeks). But defo glad to be back in the saddle this end – and just in time for Product Earth - happening this weekend (7-8 Sept) in its all-new London venue.

Dave Barton will of course be there. Heck, he’s MC-ing the seminars, which will be fun. He’ll also be sharing the stage with good canna-buddy, Amna Shamim , director of content at The Cannabis Community

Their presentation on ‘Why Content Is Crucial For Cannabis Normalisation’ is sure to be a hit – so be sure to stop by and say hi.

Thinking of coming? Want a discount code? Use EmpowHer-20 for 20% off your ticket!

You’re welcome. Now, as payment, you have to read the rest of this newsletter… GO!

Grow already, wudja!?

UK Med Market Numbers Massively Short?

We’ve known for a while that the UK’s medical cannabis patient numbers were pretty low – compared to other countries?– but according to this informative piece from Volteface, we’ve massively overestimated where we should be by 2028.

When it was legalised in 2018, hopes for a buoyant medical cannabis market predicted no less than 300,000 patients within ten years. Six years on and we’re only at 45,000. To meet that number, in the next four years, over 5,000 (ok, 5,312) new patients are needed each month.

Ain’t gonna happen: simples – not unless drastic changes in access, education, and information happen overnight.

Nothing to see here... move along...

Pack It Nice & Tight…

There’s nothing worse than getting to the airport and being snarkily informed by the desk clerk that your check-in bag’s over the weight limit…

Actually, there is… Britain’s National Crime Agency (NCA) released figures showing that there’s been a threefold-increase in the amount of cannabis seized at UK airports in less than a year. So far, in 2024, 15 tonnes have been collared: compared with 5 tonnes across all of 2023.?

In its infinite wisdom, the NCA has mooted that the overproduction of cannabis in newly legalised markets may be behind the increase. More likely (imho) perhaps it's just that more UK police are looking for it. That all said, there’s a very simple answer here.

"And I have all the best beach footwear...."

Trump 'Flip Flopping' on Rec Cannabis, Says Harris

So Trump’s all for making adult-use weed legal in Florida (which he owns most of… probably).?

According to a recent post on the social network-formerly-known-as-Twitter, the ex-POTUS is reneging on an earlier hardline stance, supporting a notion very similar to that of The Last Prisoner Project.

Obvs calling BS on it, a member of Kamala Harris’ team is quoted as saying ‘what he says now is just desperate pandering from a scared man who is worried he will lose’.?


Be More Mario.

Medical Cannabis Is Popular Mental Health Treatment For Under 21s

A new study from the US shows that anxiety is the most common condition to treat with medical cannabis among those aged 21 and under.

In fact, the research from Leafwell – which draws on data from just under 14,000 patients aged under 18 and aged 18-20 – places cannabis as a preferred mental health treatment more broadly among the younger demographic; for depression, PTSD, and insomnia also.


German Med Market Flourishing Despite Backlash?

While Germany’s rec market’s doing its darndest to create an accessible pathway via social clubs and whatnot; its medical market is booming?– despite critics’ concern.

With fewer restrictions around cannabis and an overhaul in once-stringent medical insurance, quality and cost are giving medical cannabis an edge over the legacy market. Yet the naysayers are quick to condemn: with some calling it ‘pseudo-recreational’ (which ironically might be the name of my debut album).?

thermidor< is a content-led, cannabis-focused, creative agency. We work with B2B, B2C, and D2C brands to develop messaging, brand, and tone of voice, as well as create written, audio, and visual content such as blogs, whitepapers, podcasts, and event films.



