Loan to company treated as Equity by ATO
Minutes and accounting records are not enough to prove a loan to a company

Loan to company treated as Equity by ATO

Loan to a company - to prove a loan & not equity: Debt Equity rules

Related party ‘at call’ loans provided to your company: Debt/Equity Rules

Your company buys a truck. Instead of the company borrowing the money from a bank, you draw the money out of your own bank account. Did you loan the money to the company? Or was it an injection of equity? The ATO says because there is no legally enforceable Loan Agreement it was an injection of cash. This means that it is difficult to get the money back tax-free.

If you hand money to a company it is either a loan (good) or an injection of equity (generally bad).

Here are the rules.


Adj Prof Dr Brett Davies的更多文章

