Loan Application Checklist

Loan Application Checklist

I think the following raises some excellent points about Loan application. I’ve included a few of the highlights for you to get the gist of the article:

To ensure that you have the best chance of getting your loan approved, we’ve compiled a checklist of some of the information a lender may require when assessing your mortgage application. Remember that requirements vary between financiers, so confirm the exact documentation you need directly with your lender or mortgage broker.

Personal Information

  • Full employment history
  • Current and previous addresses
  • Details of your current assets – anything from a car, motorbike, or boat to other properties and the like
  • Proof of your income and current outgoing expenses

Employment documentation

  • Current records of your salary
  • Latest tax return/notice of assessment
  • If you are self-employed or cannot easily demonstrate your salary with pay stubs, three years’ worth of tax returns
  • A letter from your employer stating the tenure of your employment (if possible)

What do you think? Maybe you’d like to read on? Check out the full version here…then give me a call to discuss how this might impact your own business: (0403) 296-221. Alternatively, email me at [email protected] 




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