Loading the Dishwasher as Foreplay!

Loading the Dishwasher as Foreplay!

In my 35 years of helping couples communicate better and add passion to their marriage or compassion to their divorce, I realize it is often the little things that can mean the most.

Please join me at my LIVE EVENT on Tuesday, April 16th at noon Central and learn more. If you're a professional who works with individuals or couples, this will offer some tips to help your clients.

I offer you this perspective in the hopes that you and your partner can learn how to find humor when there is conflict, and understanding when there is pain.

Let me explain.

I'm doing work with many couples right now, and I jokingly said to two of them recently that learning how to load the dishwasher the way your partner would like you to load your dishwasher is foreplay.?

And it can be.

For example, when a wife has an request or expectation and she asks her husband to participate in the duties of the household without being asked, without being told, without being instructed - that fulfilled request makes the wife?feel like a priority, like she's important, like she's heard.?

A lot of times the partner says to himself (or herself) in this situation, "Why should I load it the way she wants? I've got my own way of doing it. I'm just going to do it the way I want to."

And that's certainly an acceptable choice.

However every time your partner then opens the dishwasher and sees that you made no effort to do it the?way he/she wanted it done, your partner is feeling that's an implied "F-you, I'll do it my way. I don't care what you want or need."

The feeling of being ignored or disregarded takes over in the bedroom and your partner will not be as affectionate or responsive when still feeling upset.

I am not justifying one party's decision to dictate how the dishwasher needs to be loaded.

I'm just saying, if it's a symptom of what's? going on in your relationship, you might want to talk about it.

And often the wife in this situation doesn't want to be seen as the Mother or the Taskmaster or the Contractor, because her feeling is that loading the dishwasher is not just her job.?

It's a chore that is a household job that both people need to talk about and share some of those responsibilities.?

So again, if you think that loading the dishwasher the way your partner would like is foreplay, you?may be more inclined.?

First of all you, are taking a chore off her plate, which will give her?more energy for later.

And if you allow cuddling just to be cuddling - without any need for it to be more than that - then you can be safe in each other's arms again and begin to get more of the passion back in your relationship.?

As a corollary to what I said about loading the dishwasher is foreplay, I want to speak from the other partner's perspective to say that feeling appreciated is also very healing and endearing.

Even if it's not loaded exactly the way you want it to be, the more you can give your partner the validation that the effort is appreciated, that you value him or her - the more you can convey appreciation, affection, attention, and acceptance to your partner - the closer you'll be.?

So however the dishwasher is loaded, show appreciation for each other in a way that helps bring passion back to your relationship.

You can get a free chapter of my book Compassionate Mediation?: How to Add Passion to Your Marriage or Compassion to Your Divorce.

You can also get my a free Miracle of Empathy Handout and Video to learn how to compassionately communicate about everything....and begin to add more connection and passion to your current relationship.

These are tips from a therapist who's worked with hundreds of couples.?

Please let me know your thoughts about other small things that make a difference - and have fun!?

....and join me LIVE this Tuesday!


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