Load Testing Tools Take Precedence

Load Testing Tools Take Precedence

In a recent poll, 93% of QA Testers said that Load Testing Tools would be the priority tool for them in a unified testing platform.

This is understandable with continuous development driving the introduction of new features in applications at a rapid rate increasing the risk that these changes have negatively impacted the applications performance. To gain assurance that issues haven’t developed, load testing needs to become a continuous and automated process alongside development.

Interestingly in the same poll with QA Testers, over 70% said that automated testing would make their load and functionality testing process easier which indicates that automated testing isn’t something that, as yet, has been fully adopted.

If introduced however, automated testing could help to make routine elements of load testing part of the workflow. By adding automated load testing into the beginning of the development process and making sure that each new feature introduced is tested at an early stage, the risk of surprises occurring later on, once development is complete, can be vastly reduced.

Does this mean a bigger load testing team?

It may seem that by increasing the occurrence of load testing that the size of the team would have to grow as well, but this doesn’t need to be the case. The use of real browsers is common in automated testing tools and so the task of load testing could actually be combined with any functional testing already being carried out.

If developers and functional testers are testing the performance of the user experience from an early stage and throughout development, they could use an automated testing tool such as JAR:TestLab to test load and functionality together.

Real user journeys can be created to ensure all functionality is tested whilst simultaneously testing for load, enabling continuous testing to be done alongside the development programme. The testing team get assurance that new features aren’t going to hinder performance and can focus their time on tackling some of the more complex testing cases.

Test for free now to functionality and load test your application, then monitor it, all from within one platform.

