Load Security Code of Practice Changes
Total Compliance & Training in Transport, Logistics & Construction
Are you aware of the up and coming changes to the Load Security Code of Practice?
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) are set to release a new load security guide in July.
The guide will provide industry guidance to support enforcement, which will still be conducted by the DVSA and police. It's important to note that load security must at least meet industry good practice standards.
The scope of load security has widened to include all vehicles transporting loads on the road, as well as operators and consignors, not just drivers as before. Failure to comply with load security requirements has resulted in hefty fines in some court cases.
Enforcement will be based on a risk assessment of the vehicle's condition and load. Certain industries and loads will be subject to special rules.
The requirements for preventing movement of loads have not changed. A headboard/dunnage to the center of gravity with a 30cm gap, friction mats, and % restraining loads are still necessary.
Loads need to be stable and evenly distributed within maximum weights and must be secure and stable before they are restrained, meaning no broken pallets or damaged restraints.
It is essential to conduct daily checks on chains, straps, and other load securing mechanisms. Best practice would mean checking these as part of the daily checks.
Load ratings must be adhered to, and the load restraints must be secured on the vehicle when not in use.
DVSA has also released load security videos that cover good practice guidelines and other useful information.
Please get in touch if you need any further guidance on the changes, driver safe load training or further support. Tel: 0345 9001312 or [email protected]