LN#48 || 50 Pointers that will make your move your ass and run towards your success!
- The idea to start today and now will never grow old. Start right now and never think about why you start earlier.
- Between doing something and not doing something, the former is always the better choice.
- For writing one page, you must finish 1000 pages of reading. For one night of success, you must finish 10,000 nights of failure.
- If you won’t do it now, someone else might finish it sometime later.
- Time is more important than money. Imagine time as money, and you would never waste it.
- Don’t regret. Regret comes from excessive knowledge. Avoid excessive knowledge about everything.
- Find a mentor. It is faster to find a mentor and begin from where he ended than to do everything on your own from the beginning.
- If you can’t focus, don’t worry and keep doing it anyway.
- If someone tells you that you cannot do it then immediately delete him from your contact list.
- If you cannot die for the thing you love most, you better not live for it.
- If there is someone better than you, work harder till he says the same about you.
- The biggest enemy of success is mediocrity. Kill the mediocrity in you.
- Anything can be achieved with extreme persistence.
- If it can exist inside your mind, it can exist outside of it too.
- The way you think will affect your future.
- Listen ten, speak one.
- If someone calls you an idiot, thank him. He has just given you a reason to work harder.
- Great success is directly proportional to great effort.
- Even if it is boring — to do.
- Plan everything in details but don’t cut back on action citing planning as an excuse.
- History writers do not care about the second.
- Life is a game. Some people win, some lose. Most don’t even play.
- If you think life is hard, read biographies.
- Don’t get frustrated by other’s success, just work harder and faster.
- Just keep walking, the roads will appear.
- Think, decide, act and repeat.
- The shortcut to success is a waste of time.
- Being successful is not a state of mind, it is an actual thing.
- If you cannot see it happening, no one else will either.
- No matter what, never stop in the middle no matter how worthless it seems.
- Starting is the first 10%, the ending is the last 10% but it is the middle 80% which makes all the difference.
- If you are not making money doing what you love, you are simply wasting your time.
- If nothing is going in favour of your direction, change the direction.
- Destiny favours the doer.
- No matter what, the next day always comes with new hope.
- If you have decided, don’t back out.
- Age is just a static. You can do anything, anytime.
- No one has ever gained anything by waiting.
- Replace procrastination with persistence.
- If you have two equally good choices, choose anyone by guess immediately and forget the other.
- Don’t daydream. Act during day and dream during the night.
- Life is not a competition, but it is a Game nonetheless.
- If you are afraid and scared, then probably you are onto something, keep moving.
- Rome was not built in a day; so will not your life.
- Successful people have two things in common: they love what they do and they never stop.
- Nobody promised you it was going to be easy. But it is a promise that it will be worth it.
- If you are walking — Run. If you are running — run faster.
- Finish everything today, die in the night and born again the next morning.
- Whatever you think about yourself — you are right.
- There is no secret to success just like there is no secret to failure. You work you win; you don’t work, you lose.