LMS in Hospitality Training
Running a hotel or a restaurant is difficult for a variety of reasons. No matter how hard you work, it seems like there’s always going to be a customer complaining about something. And of course, as an owner, you should take an action to fix those gaps.
To ensure you and your staff are adequately prepared, you need to train them, on a monthly or if needed on weekly basis. There is a way that the hospitality sector can train hundreds of new and existing employees simultaneously using a training management system like an LMS.
Hospitality companies invest significantly (both in terms of time and money) in the recruitment of seasonal staff. With modern technology, onboarding goes one step beyond. LMS is used to deliver digital versions of company policy, contracts, and standard operating procedures. 80% of hospitality employees have said that they would have settled in quicker had there been a better onboarding process.
LMS affords greater visibility and control to the HR manager. Without an LMS, it can be hard to validate which courses have been completed and by which employee. But when you use this system it’s been proven to result in better completion rates and saves the business valuable time and money.
Every employee's role is chained to each other. To manage an efficient process going forward, businesses need to find a balance by which they can quickly train their staff without any pressure.
Training on mobile devices can be taken anytime and anywhere
Your employees can take their training, tests, and courses using their own mobile devices when they have free time at home or commuting to work and they don’t have to train during working hours. The main benefit of a hospitality LMS is that there is no need for the reproduction of printed materials once there are any updates of hotel policies.
Think about it like this…
As a hospitality business you already have two pieces of the puzzle needed to implement a cost-effective online training strategy:
Now all you need is the learning management system to make implementing your mobile training strategy a huge success.