LLP STRIKE OFF: Rules and Procedure

LLP STRIKE OFF: Rules and Procedure

As per Limited Liability Partnership Rules, 2009- Rule 37 (1), ROC has power to strike off any defunct LLP or any LLP may voluntarily apply to Registrar of Companies for striking off its name from the register.

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Where an LLP?is not carrying on any?business?or operation for a period of two years or more and the?Registrar?has reasonable cause to believe the same, the?Registrar?shall send a notice to the?LLP and all its partners, of his intention to strike off the?name and requesting them to send their representations, if any, within a period of one month from the date of the notice.


Where an?LLP?is not carrying on any?business?or operation for a period of one year or more, it can make an application for Strike Off in Form 24 to the Registrar.

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Explanation.?- The date of cessation of commercial operation is the date from which the Limited Liability Partnership ceased to carry on its revenue generating?business?and the transactions such as receipt of money from debtors or payment of money to creditors, subsequent to such cessation will not form part of revenue generating?business.

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Note: Even if an LLP is struck off, the liability of all Designated Partners continues and may be enforced as if the LLP had never been dissolved.

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  • A notice issued by Registrar or contents of an application made by the?LLP?shall also be placed on the?website?of the MCA for a period of one month.
  • At the expiry of time mentioned in the notice or one month, the?Registrar may by an order strike off its?name,?and shall publish notice in the Official Gazette, and on the publication of this notice, the?LLP?shall stand dissolved.
  • The Registrar shall, before passing an order has sufficient cause to believe that the?LLP?has any asset or liability, satisfy himself that sufficient provision has been made for the realisation of all amount due to the?LLP?and for the discharge of its liabilities and obligations and, if necessary, obtain necessary undertakings from the?designated partner?or partner or other persons in charge of the management of the LLP.
  • The assets of the?LLP shall be made available for the discharge of all its liabilities and obligations even after the date of the order removing the?name?of the?LLP from the register.
  • The liability of every?designated partner?of the?LLP dissolved shall continue and may be enforced as if the?LLP had not been dissolved.

Explanation. -In computing the period of 30 days from the date of order, the requisite time for obtaining a certified copy of order shall be excluded.

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