Illustration Challenge
As many of you already saw on my profile I've put myself in an eight days illustration challenge a couple of weeks ago, using only my iPad and pencil to Illustrate the planets of our solar system. Now I’m writing this article as closure and summary.
When I first thought of the idea of coming up with a new drawing daily I was excited, challenged to take time for myself to improve some skills, but at a later stage I found out it wasn’t that easy!
The process started with some research about these eight planets. Trying to find real pictures, in order to illustrate them with their true colours and the most realistically possible. The Nasa website was one of my favourites places to search info, and you can learn amazing facts about these planets and also about our whole solar system.
I’ve used the Procreate App on my iPad pro to make these illustrations, with a choice of HB pencil for rough lines and ink brushes for the illustration and colouring.
The final retouches for the mockup’s background (stars & typography) were made on Photoshop.