L&L Insider - April 28th
Claudia von Boeselager
Founder & CEO | AI, Tech & Health Innovation | Serial Entrepreneur | Strategy, Finance & Investments | Ex-Goldman Sachs | Speaker | Longevity, Biohacking & Peak Performance
Hi friend,
Welcome to your Longevity & Lifestyle Insider with the latest insights for your optimization journey!
Many of us adults may notice that as we’ve aged our grip strength has declined. As a former gymnast (many moons ago) I used to have very strong wrists and grips. As grip strength is related to longevity, I want to share why this is and some ways to increase your grip strength.?
Grip strength is important for overall health and research suggests a correlation between grip strength and mortality rates. “Grip strength is largely consistent as an explanator of concurrent overall strength, upper limb function, bone mineral density, fractures, falls, malnutrition, cognitive impairment, depression, sleep problems, diabetes, multimorbidity, and quality of life. Evidence is also provided for a predictive link between grip strength and all-cause and disease-specific mortality, future function, bone mineral density, fractures, cognition and depression, and problems associated with hospitalization.” Additionally, improving grip strength can help prevent injury and improve athletic performance.?
Grip strength comes from your hand and forearm muscles, enabling you to hold onto and manipulate objects. It is an important aspect of many activities, including sports, manual labor, and everyday tasks. So what can you do to maintain and/or improve your grip strength?
2. Latest Podcast episode - Dr. Marcy Cole On Conscious Co-Parenting, Key Strategies For Kids To Thrive During Divorce, Being A United Front, New Partners, Resilience, Finding Love Again, Making Love Last, Holistic Health And More
“I say children are not scarred by divorce. Children are scarred when the parent or both parents are not taking care of themselves and are not respectful to each other.” - Dr. Marcy Cole, Holistic Psychotherapist
My guest Dr. Marcy Cole is an LA-based holistic psychotherapist and has been practicing Psychotherapy for over twenty-five years, working with children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families. Marcy’s articles have been published by Goop, Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper, Huffington Post, and Thrive Global as well as being a bestselling author.
Marcy has been featured as an expert on television shows such as Dr. Drew’s Life Changers, and Millionaire Matchmaker, to name a few. She received her bachelor's from Northwestern University, her Masters from Loyola University, and her Doctorate from the Institute of Clinical Social Work in Chicago.?
In this episode we discuss co-parenting after divorce, finding love again, what it takes to make love last, daily holistic health: self-tune-in & tune-up, resilience: staying steady during turbulent times, entrepreneurial life: living outside of the box, and much more!
Check out the episode with Dr. Marcy Cole on Apple Podcast, Spotify, YouTube, or on the Longevity & Longevity website where you can find the Show Notes, great quotes from the episode, the transcript, links to products and people mentioned, and more!
3. How To Grow Younger: Start By Uncovering Your Biological Age
I’ve been asked a lot recently what is the best way to understand your biological age, and if you can really reverse it. My answer is YES! How? By testing using GlycanAge’s easy-to-use home test kit to establish your baseline. The beauty is that once you have the result, you can tweak your lifestyle interventions to reduce your biological age further. As many of you will know, I’ve reduced my biological age now by 15 years younger - I’m 26, again!
GlycanAge tests are based on over three decades of scientific research and give a true indicator of biological age by looking at your immune system and inflamm-aging level, all from the comfort of your own home with a simple finger-prick test. Once you get your results back, their “healthspan doctors” guide you on getting on an even healthier path to reducing your biological age through proven personalized lifestyle interventions - all included in the initial price.?
If you’re keen on finding out your biological age and start improving your health, check out glycanage.com and use the code CLAUDIA at checkout for 15% off.
Remember to also share your favorite podcast episode with your friends to help share how they too can be living at their best!
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As always, thank you for reading, and choose to live well!