THE LIVINGROOM HOUSE LOTTERY - An interview with The Hub

THE LIVINGROOM HOUSE LOTTERY - An interview with The Hub

We are delighted and privileged to be part of this house lottery particularly as Simon was, alongside myself and others, such an instrumental part of establishing the Hub. For Livingroom to afford us this opportunity is really quite exceptional. Our running costs are around £200,000 per annum, 85% of which come from donations and philanthropic support, so to receive such a tremendous contribution from this lottery is very unexpected and we're extremely grateful.

We now run 10 services - when we first started we ran only one. All of these services have developed because of the needs of the young people who come through the door; so what this funding allows us to do is continue to meet the needs of those young people with the very best support and to allow them to make the choices they want and realise their potential.

'For Livingroom to recognise the contribution we make to the community and to support our charity and others is absolutely exceptional.'

Jane St. Pier - Chair, The Hub.

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