I love to observe people and spend a lot of time pondering the trajectories of different lives. It never ceases to amaze me how some lives are free from hindrances and other lives seem almost in a vice-like grip of obstacles unable to move forward or advance in any direction unhindered. How do we explain that one person can be born with a silver spoon in their mouth, sail through school and achieve extraordinary success while another life born on the same date will stumble through school and end up behind bars for life?
Despite this iam still of the firm opinion that obstacles can be surmounted and that destiny can be achieved despite a difficult journey or an unfavourable start in life. The key to living an unshackled life is to realise that your destiny is never bound to your past or your present but that the future can present a whole new array of options. LIVE A LIFE OF POSSIBILITIES NOT A CONSTRAINED LIFE OF A CAGED ANIMAL.