Living Under Labels
Justin Castelli, RLP?, CFP?
aligning your finances with your authentic life, founder RLS Wealth, co-founder of The AGC? and founder of PRST?
How do you describe yourself…what labels have you been living under?
Take a moment and think about it.?
Write them down…the “good” and the “bad”. Look at all of these labels, but I want you to focus specifically on the labels that come from a lower vibration—or a “negative” space. It’s uncomfortable, I know. But hopefully, the rest of this post will make the uncomfortable feeling of seeing these limiting labels will be worth it.
Where did those labels come from??
Who gave them to you?
We don’t naturally define ourselves in a negative or demeaning way, so these labels initially came from someone else. You might be living underneath labels that have been holding you down for years—starting all the way back in your childhood.?
You don’t have to let those labels constrain you anymore.?
You have the choice to give yourself new labels.?
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he is not the same man.”
Even if those labels were once true, which they probably weren’t, you are no longer that version of your Self. Like the river, you are constantly growing and evolving–you aren’t even the same person you were a week ago, a day ago, or even an hour ago.?
Living under low-vibration labels will keep you from aligning your spirit, mind, body, and money and will keep your authentic life out of your reach.?
It’s time to work through those labels, however that may be for you, free yourself to be the authentic version of yourself defined by evolving high vibrational labels.?
Labels you choose.
See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,