MD/CEO, Accounting Guru, Author, Lecturer, Researcher, Marketer and Motivational speaker
Living in uncertainty is a short reflection of life and the human nature written by Akpan Jackson Nseabasi (ACIB) a seasoned Banker and an educationist with over 25 years of impacting knowledge at both professional and developmental levels to students.
It is a book with short reflections about life and the concept of uncertainties. The book is divided into twenty chapters with each chapter focusing on the uncertainty associated with the human life. Living in uncertainty is a must read companion by every scholar and lovers of scholarly works.
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Cold or hot I am not opposed to any but I must face the sound and the approaching forces of the realm that I am about to enter – the uncertainty of life.
“Born into a world of uncertainty†is the real concept adjudged by all to be the life which from different perspectives comes with diverse views. Some have adjudged life as a world of riches while to some it is a life full of pains, miseries, sufferings, hardship and poverty enclosed with the uncertainty of how to come out of it – a peril of unending realm of uncertainties.
We grow everyday with different ideologies and spirits that most often reflects a function of successive mode of what was handed over to us by our predecessors. In the mist of the system and operations of uncertainties we fail to ask if what was handed over to us was actually the real ideology and theory out of uncertainty or was it just passed to us as a way of filling the vacuum of curiosity originating from the never ending desire of mankind. O what a life of uncertainty with all the ideologies and its application to life.
The level attained by man through efforts applied in solving routine problems and uncertainties make many people to see “superiority†through the complexion (black or white) that they were created with. Black or white, educated or not educated, does not mean it will change the uncertainties programmed to becloud humanity. To the white man superiority is a function of invention, research, and creativity while to the black people and the other races it is a function of trying to be like others. But these others that we aspire to be like leaves us in another realm of uncertainty which stops us from asking “are there no uncertainties surrounding these superior people? The life of a man can never be complete without uncertainties. It is the real essence of life.
The world with its divergence of ideologies, philosophies, beliefs and theories (yet no resolute attestation to the problem of finding conclusive results about the uncertainties) is still producing more research and discoveries embedded with the desire of reaching humanity with positive ways of resolving issues. I ask this vital question at this point – is the world a premeditated phenomenon created after uncertainties or is it a vice versa concept?
Numerous theories, numerous ideas, so many educated and qualified professionals, yet we have not been able to provide a way out of uncertainties. People in the world today have tried their very best on climatic changes or simply put climate change but with all the meetings at the international levels and with all the commitments especially by the world leaders, we are still faced with the challenges and difficulties of the uncertainties of the climatic change.
Over the years, scientific inventions and research have not fully and totally eradicated the waves of uncertainties emanating from the waves of diseases and pandemics such as HIV/AIDS, Corona Virus, Ebola and other deadly killer diseases. Man is gradually looking away from what was once taught to be the pinnacle of survival (science and technology) because of the unresolved issues brought about by uncertainties in the health sector, banking sector, economic sector, financial sector, investment sector, government, governance, politics, religion, education, just to mention these few.
Peace and peaceful coexistence have become an elusive paradigm in today’s world. The uncertainties of insecurity are the order of the day in almost every part of the world. Killing, kidnapping, terrorist attack, illegal usage of guns, cultism and all manner of vices have taken over the world and people living in it. People live in the fear of the unknown called the uncertainty of insecurity of the 21st century. Globally, world leaders are meeting almost every now and then trying to see how to bring about peaceful coexistence in the Middle East, in the African continent, in the European soil and even among the members of the respected G7. North Korea today sees the nuclear weapon as the best option in settling grievances at the world level; Russia believes that power is more than political affiliation at the international scene. Africa is still faced with poverty, poor infrastructural development, debts, overpopulation and poor economy. If you can analyze these facts clearly you will see that they are representations of uncertainties at the global level.
The advancement in science and technology opened a new spectrum in the area of information dissemination. Today the power of a nation and the mindset of the people is a function of information available to the people. Information is the road map of greatness, success, power and building a successful society. But this information is on the other hand a deformation strategy through which many are caged, enslaved, terrorized and separated from the absolute truth. To the average African youth having a smart phone is the best priority or what he/she wants. But what do they do with these smart phones? Uncertainties develop with how they make use of these devices and the information content that is made available to them on the internet. Uncertainties develop with these devices because it steals into their time, enslaves them and make them a program working out the dictates of the white man’s inventions. No more time for effective studying, reading and building creative ideas. Most often the African youths make use of these devices to commit crime on the internet and defraud people. Parents don’t see these uncertainties when they are giving their children access to internet through the use of computers and smart phones. Children have lost their morals and what they do on these devices through having access to internets is better to be imagined. Increase in the viewing of photography, nude pictures and associating with internet links that pollutes the mindsets and morals becomes more worrisome. These acts of negativity from the use of information technology and advancement in information technology are another level of uncertainty that needs to be checked.
Cultural diversification and language seems to be one great endowment given to man by God. Every part of the world has its own culture, language, tradition and way of life. Building on these – culture, tradition and language will have gone a long way in solving man’s challenges and problems on earth. But this is not so. In the contrary, the uncertainty of accepting whether or not our own is good or other people culture, language and tradition is better than ours (ethnocentrism and xenocentricism) is one major uncertainty that have destroyed the fabric of our development in all ramifications of our existence. Today we prefer to communicate and transact businesses in English language rather than our own mother tongue. We accept the white man language as the ultimate while ours is inferior. We dress in other people’s attire and culture forsaking our own. We have continued to expand marketing frontiers and market share of other countries and nations by accepting their own culture and language as the best and still come back home to use a foreign language as our own standard of learning, speaking, communicating, transacting and as our lingual frangula to the detriment of our own development. What a shame on us. We are living a fake life full of uncertainties.
Politics – some call it a game while others see it as the game of numbers facilitating leadership roles and functions. But a deeper perusal of this concept shows that it is all together another concept of uncertainty or what I term political uncertainties or politics of uncertainty. From the creation of man the aspiration and desire of having the leadership role over others have being a concept that was never in doubt in the philosophy of man and the society in general. Man has always wanted to dominate the people around him either directly or indirectly.
The extension of this dominating will metamorphosed into political concepts and theories which we have today. But is this the way out of man’s numerous challenges and problems? To the best of my understanding politics have never and will never in one way or the other solve man’s problem, rather, it is the creation of divisions, groups and followers who at the end of the political game do not find the needed satisfaction to their unending desires and aspirations.
Once the person anointed by the numerous followers (electorate) have ascended or climbed the seat of power the tendency of forgetting the yearnings and the cries of the innocent electorates slowly sets in. The man at the helms of power only sees the great opportunities of gathering wealth first for him, the immediate family and the close associates (what is called the cabal in the Nigerian political Dictionary) and the “movers†and “removers†that brought him to power. There is no provision for the common man and the masses, the innocent electorate or the country as a whole.
Politics is today one of the best yielding investment that yields dividend in a way far above what any investment in blue chip companies can offer anyone. Politics in Africa is the easiest way of stealing, looting, enhancing corruption and using the political will to create avenue of looting the nation’s treasury to other countries. It is the same thing at all levels of government (state, local government, ministries etc.).
The uncertainty of politics have made many so called leaders to stay clued to the seat of power and even want to die there without having any good reasons to remain in power but just for the goal of remaining there to loot and steal the nation’s treasury. Good governance and a good government must have something to show for their remaining in government. Most countries lack good infrastructures, health care services, educational system, universities, schools e.t.c. but the sit tide syndrome of the political leaders will not allow them to see the need for the provision of these basic needs for their citizens. The slow or retarded development in most countries of the world especially in Africa is as a result of the poor political system that brings to power the wrong people, wrong parties and wrong political ideologies into the system of governance.
One of the basic fundamentals of the political theory is that it creates an environment of enlightening the members and followers of the political group. The members of the group are taught on the reasons, importance, purpose and manifestoes of the political party that they have registered with. The manifestoes may look good as it is always the case but does it really address the problem of the members? Take for instance a group agitating for cessation from a country and wishing to form their own sovereignty, this is not what a political affiliation should be or stand for. Trying to create a diplomatic segregation by blindfolding the members and pushing them forward to fight for unnecessary demands at the expense of their own lives makes politics a game of uncertainty in all its ramifications. Today especially in some parts of Africa we see some groups asking for segregation (wanting to stand on their own and forming their own nation or nation state) but this political leaders or agitators have failed to realize that forming another state can never be the solution to a problem that can be resolved on a round table with a genuine mindset.
The invasion of the Capitol in the United States of America by members of a political affiliation to fight for the cancellation of the result of the general election is another pointer to the fact that members of political affiliation are most often wrongly advised and used to make demands at the expense of their lives. It is worthy to note that illegality cannot create legality so also creating diplomatic segregation through misinforming members of the political affiliation cannot solve a problem.
Man must always look at the resultant effect or the end result of every action undertaken by the system setup by man. Politics is a system. But is this system living up to its expectations? Who are the “end products†of this system? It is important to answer these vital questions from logical, political and judgmental points of view. The end products of the political system are always liars that cannot account for their stewardship as president, state governors, local government chairmen, ministers, commissioners, advisers and senators and their likes. The inability to account for the federal, state and local government votes and budgets is what has led to the under development of the so many African countries up till this day. After so many years of gaining independence, African countries are still at the back seat in almost all areas of human and national development. This is no thanks to dishonesty, corruption, and poor accountability of political stewardship which all points to one fact which is the uncertainty of the political system.