Living Thin in an Oversized World – The Magic of Discipline

Living Thin in an Oversized World – The Magic of Discipline

"Very simply, we subsidize high-fructose corn syrup in this country, but not carrots. While the surgeon general is raising alarms over the epidemic of obesity, the president is signing farm bills designed to keep the river of cheap corn flowing, guaranteeing that the cheapest calories in the supermarket will continue to be the unhealthiest." 

— Michael Pollan

4:33 a.m., wide awake, coffee in hand, the world sleeps, but I’m ready to roll. I’m wrapping up a 9-day body and mind cleanse. I had no solid food yesterday aside from a few almonds and a stalk of celery — that and about a gallon of water. I’ll repeat today and wake tomorrow ready to return to my normal life.

I forgot how much we overvalue food in our culture. Most of us could shed a few pounds, and if you limit the amount of intake, your body will resort to burning its fat. I think I’m going to return to my KETO lifestyle; my Queen is going to live the Four-Hour Body lifestyle. Similar but different, it will be interesting living on two separate dietary programs. One of us will fold and go the others way; I’m betting I go four-hour body soon.

So, a camel just knocked at the door, asked what day it was. Too early for a midweek joke? I apologize. I woke up this morning and had no idea where I was. We have been at the mountain house the last two nights, last night we were at our downtown condo, it’s a usual lifestyle, but I would not have it any other way. The wildlife is starting to get pretty active at the mountain house; we saw a half dozen deer on our walk yesterday, a fox was running across my back yard this morning according to my RING camera.

I’m not sure if you noticed, but we have a small problem with obesity in our country. It’s a sign that we are doing pretty well. No longer are we worried about people starving in our country, we are worried about their overconsumption of food. In a world of problems, this is a great problem to have.

Let me remind you that you are the only one that can put anything in our body. If your body is too big, you need to look in the mirror and have a conversation with the person you see. I was blessed with some pretty good genes, but that does not prevent me from ballooning up like everyone else. At my heaviest, I weighed almost 200 pounds,  I understand how the weight can add, but I can also understand how to, over time, remove the excess weight from my body.

I’ve tried every program known to man. I’ve done multiple programs over my 49 years on this planet and can attest all work, but they take some discipline. The question one has to ask themselves is why do I over consume? What I know to be true is that there are certain foods you can eat all you want and your body will burn fat. If you can reduce or cut out carbs and sugars from your food intake, your body will get smaller. Add to that a little movement, and in a month, you’ll be shocked at the reduction in your weight.

I weigh myself daily. My target weight is 165 pounds, I live between 160 and 170, and when I hit 170, I reduce the number of carbs. I can control my weight and you can too.  I’m a little below 165 today, that will happen when you remove food from your diet for nine days, but I can pack it back on if I choose, but I won’t. I’ll keep my spring and summer lifestyle and add some weight in the winter; this thin man gets cold. The pounds are welcome in the winter. But even with that, I’ll not get over 172, that’s my top line weight.

If I seem obsessive, you may have provided the correct diagnosis. But I know how I feel when living in my target weight and I know how I feel when I’m out of my zone. Living in my zone allows me freedom, flexibility, and clothes that fit a little loose.

If you want to shed some pounds, remember there are two components — first, your caloric intake, but also your movement. Most people do one and not the other. I know folks that spend hours in a gym but never manage their diet, and so they continue to live obese. I know folks that never go to the gym, but manage their calories and live a “thinner” lifestyle. 

Ultimately it’s your choice how you want to live, how you want to look, and how you want to feel. There is no magic pill; there are simple things you can do daily to help manage your weight. If you get a little out of whack, you can reset your body and mind with an intensive program to get back on track. 

The program that my Queen and I are wrapping up today is sold under the name of Isagenix. We’ve done this program a few times before, it’s not easy, but it’s an amazing way to reset your body if you have the discipline.  I have a dealer that provides me my product. If you want, I can connect you, but be prepared; nine days is a long time to go with just water and a little bit of nourishment.

I’m not judging. If you are a little heavy, I still love you. But I do care about you and want you to be your best self. The key is not tomorrow but in 6 months or 9 months, if you start today, you can slowly change your body composition and once your body begins to change your mind will follow.    

"Very simply, we subsidize high-fructose corn syrup in this country, but not carrots. While the surgeon general is raising alarms over the epidemic of obesity, the president is signing farm bills designed to keep the river of cheap corn flowing, guaranteeing that the cheapest calories in the supermarket will continue to be the unhealthiest." 

— Michael Pollan


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