*Living quality*
The distractions will always be there, but the opportunities of this moment won't. As compelling as those distractions might be, let them fall behind you as you act on your best possibilities right now.
The quality of your life is up to you, at all times, in all situations. You have the opportunity to creatively imagine an outstanding life for yourself, and then to bring what you imagine into the reality of your world.
The excuses and distractions and setbacks and frustrations are all hopelessly insignificant when compared to your best possibilities. Stay focused on the good and positive things that mean the most to you, and you'll transcend the small bumps along the way with grace and ease. Feel the joy that emanates from your purpose and you'll grow stronger with each passing day.
You can get a copy of my book “God’s Miracle man- Against all odds” by using my website www.keithtuckerauthor.com directly to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple itune. Available also in Kindle version. Now available in Sangster's book store in Jamaica. Already in Kingston Book Shop.