Living in NC During the Spring
Each year around this time, the pollen starts to accumulate and the allergies begin. I think I hear the comment a million times, “wow the pollen is so much worse this year than last.” Somehow, the pollen gets worse each year. Not that it actually does, but because of all the comments I hear, it makes it worse for me.
The pollen comes with the burden of having dirty cars and everything else essentially that’s left outside. The sidewalks in Chapel Hill now have a yellow hint from all of the pollen. However, the pollen also comes with knowing that warm weather is upon us. The busy months of April and May are approaching with outdoor activities, graduations and weddings, all the exciting events! Although it’s a time when allergies amp up, it’s also one of the most beautiful times of the year when the flowers are blooming and the sun is shining.
It’s all about the outlook. Which is something that I always tell myself when it comes to the larger picture. The pollen is terrible, but it is an example that we shouldn’t wine and harp on the little things that don’t affect us as much as we think. As my professor, Gary Kayye says, we are such a tiny part of the world as a whole and we need to just enjoy our lives. This is something I live by, and if you don’t I really suggest taking some time to evaluate what makes you happy. Stop worrying so much about the tiniest things!