Living the More Important
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
Sacrifice is a virtue; and the one for today as we roll on and out through December exploring character, Christmas and The Holidays. Indeed, in our last post, we took on The "Right Christmas and Holidays, and within that post you will find links (breadcrumbs) for those we have covered in December. This December is that kind of gift.
Reflect on the virtue that is Sacrifice. It is that willingness to "give up something important for something more important".
How might it apply for you this Season, and Year? For me, it is all around health. I love my food. I do not actually overeat, but I do love all food. For now, and for the long road, I choose to practice Sacrifice with respect to my choices going forward, in order to reach my goals and live the life I choose; the more important.
How about you?
Remember, it is important to practice Sacrifice for committing to vital work and service we need to do. It is also important to practice Sacrifice to get rest and take a break when needed. Sacrifice is timely and strategically decided. We pick and choose where, when and how. But, it is vital that we do so.
We discern...
... and we detach ...
... in order to best practice Sacrifice. Sacrifice matters in living our best and most real lives. It matters in making important decisions. It matters to me. It matters to you. So, again, how about you? How does it apply for you this Season?
Peace, passion and prosperity...
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage