Nia Sheremeteva
Founder/CEO - RSI LONDON GROUP: RSI Tech, RSI LONDON, RSI Search, DomPersonnel
As the holiday season comes to an end, I find myself renewed and uplifted, filled with perfect memories, and committed to one particular resolution to follow. I want to be more present in the NOW! Haven’t you heard? It is the thing for achieving a good living. But! Easier said than done.
Usually, our present is filled with thoughts of the past or worries of the future. The monkey mind always makes rounds and consumes every moment, adjusting it to its needs and preventing us from being fully present. Trying to completely concentrate on a particular moment is a challenge.
I suppose being on holidays was the perfect time to practice ‘the power of now’. But even on holidays, the racing mind finds things to worry about. Until…
It was a beautiful Friday morning. Fridays in Costa Dorada are particularly exciting for me, because the part of the beach promenade becomes a market. I love markets – there is something authentic and liberating: browsing the market stalls, talking to real people, farmers, growers. It feels like coming back to our roots. And the food is to die for – fresh, real and delicious.
As I was browsing the market one particularly hot Friday morning, just before the heat became less bearable than the desire to browse some more, I saw a stall with peaches. And not just peaches. They were the perfect peaches – big, orangy pink, with velvety almost translucent skin, their scent filling my nostrils as I came closer. Surely, I bought a few before heading to the beach.
As I took a dip, the Mediterranean waters washing off the melancholy of the Spanish summer heat, I stood in the soft golden sand admiring the view. The water was the perfect turquoise colour, as glorious as yet undisturbed morning water could be. The sound of the sea was a beautiful song, invigorating and soothing at the same time.
I took one peach out of my bag and bit it. It was so sweet, aromatic and juicy, like in the childhood memories of mine, when we used to eat peaches from a tree. And I was eating it like a child too, with my cheeks and tummy non-negotiably covered in peach juice, celebrating the heavenly taste with every sense.
And I swear, in this moment, nothing else existed! Nothing. Nada.
So, the conclusion is the following – yes, I can absolutely live in the present moment when this moment is right. I just need to learn to be present in every other moment of my life ??