Living mindfully brings cheers

Living mindfully brings cheers

Living mindfully means that we need to live with keeping mind moment to moment awareness which helps you to experience a particular moment and the emotion that you are feeling at that time and accept it. For eg: someone is very depressed due to some reason. At the same time he/she has to prepare a presentation for the next day. In such a situation we tend to do two things.

Either we get absorbed in the depression and flow with our anxious thoughts about whatever the reason of the depression is,which hampers the capability to work on the presentation. Or we prepare the presentation and try hard to avoid the depressive thought that is bothering us. Mindfulness practise helps us to be aware of the fact that we are depressed, accept it non judgmentally and carry on with our presentation work in an undisturbed manner.

We all go through a roller coaster of emotions in our daily life. And not all of those are pleasant. Mindfulness helps us in dealing with the emotions as well as carry on with our lives without getting too much affected by the negative thoughts. To know more about mindfulness practise you might want to read the book ‘Full Catastrophe Living’ by Jon Kabat Zinn. Live this moment! There's nothing wrong in it if you believe that the future is not ours and it is not in our hands.

It is true that at some situations, we experience a scenario where we would've planned something but it ends up turning out into something which is unexpected. In a good or bad way. So there's something called Karma which plays check and mate in our lives. For instance, take a situation where somebody's plans are ruined by a tragic accident which takes a toll in one's life. We end up in concluding the fact that nothing is in our hands.

As you say, there's even nothing wrong in planning for the future. But you must live this moment. Cherish it like you will not get the happy moment back! Let us follow the policy of hardworking in the present which will automatically lift us to great heights without our knowledge. It is a good practice of satisfying ourselves by performing the given task to the best of our ability and efforts.

But to me mindfulness means being present in 'every' moment. Living in the present itself is progressing forward with every action and reaction you give the time that's ticking right now. So don't think too much of the future, set broad directions and put in your energies into the 'right now'. One way to live in the present, to achieve the full essence of mindfulness is to probably drop your phone and focus on the world and people around you! Your plans and future will embrace you in return. Cheers!


