Living in Madinah(Just a dream???)

Living in Madinah(Just a dream???)

Living in Madinah [Just a dream?]

Many people wonder why I always go on about this dream of moving to Madinah one day. How I would love to reside and live in the city of Rasulullah (salallahu alayhi wasallam). I’ve had this ‘dream’ for a while now. In fact, ever since I was young I’ve always had in my mind, this idea of ‘making hijrah’ or moving to Saudi Arabia. Yep, its always been Saudi and nowhere else!

However, as I have grown in my knowledge and experience, I have come to realise that no country is perfect. Whether you’re living in the United Kingdom, or whether you living in Makkah — also known as ‘The Mother of all Cities’ — there will always be flaws and difficulties you have to encounter. There will be things you dislike. When you’re young, you kind of put all the negativity you hear to the side and try and focus on what you want, and how you imagine the place to be. However, by meeting people who live there, or have moved there, and after hearing their stories and discussing it with them, you come to the conclusion that wherever you are in the world, there are going to be certain things about it that you will like and certain things you will dislike. That’s because, no place in this dunya is perfect, nor will it be perfect forever, because that is only Jannah — the perfect and eternal place where their will be nothing you dislike. Everything will be amazing there, flawless. So regardless of where we are in the world, our main focus should be in pleasing Allah — whether your in the east or the west.

With that being said, I still have my reasons for wanting to move to Madinah. After thinking about it, and pondering over it, and finally having the opportunity to visit it, I can say that Madinah did certainly capture my heart. Recently, I have been researching about the virtues of Madinah, and I have found that many hadith portray how beloved Madinah was to the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wasallam). How he would hasten to want to enter it, and how he spoke of its great merit and virtues. It is where Islam began to propagate, where the rules of the Shariah were established, and where the most amazing individuals and giants lived!

Hence, Madinah is a place, not only which is blessed, but one which is packed with Islamic history, because that is where the religion of Islam truly began to prosper. For me, wanting to move to Madinah or Riyadh which is also in Saudi and also somewhere I would consider, is not based on the view that it these places are perfect, but rather, the view that it is a place where Islam can be easily practiced, and where there ere more opportunities to learn Arabic and the seen first hand, at the feet of the scholars.. Moreover, living in Madinah or Riyadh doesn’t have to be permanent, but perhaps a place to build the foundation or basis, more so for the next generation, inshaAllah.

Wouldn’t it be lovely to allow your children to grow up in an environment where they can hear the call to prayer 5 times a day, where they are just steps away from the beloved Masjid of their beloved Prophet (salallahu alayhi wasallam) and where they can touch, feel, taste Islam?? A place where they can walk on the same grounds, their role-models, walked upon more than 1400 years ago?

Many people however, do ask: “If everyone moves to Makkah and Madinah or Riyadh or wherever, who will give dawah to those in the West?” My answer: “Establish your foundations and then go and spread Islam.” In other words, if you think you are able to learn, study and truly grasp the Arabic language in the west, then thats amazing! Do it. However, if your a person, who likes a different experience, who likes to travel, perhaps your someone who enjoy listening to the Adhaan being called 5 times a day, and learning Arabic first hand by fluent, Arabic speakers, whilst being surrounded by the language — then let Madinah be one of your options. Learn your deen, build your healthy foundations, and then go spread it to the world.

Now, of course, I wouldn’t just limit my choice to Madinah only, even though its a preference. Although, I would love to live in Madinah for a few years, and study there, I do also have an inclination towards Malaysia and Riyadh. Mainly, because of the amazing things I have heard about the character of its inhabitants, and how Islam is practiced so openly and widely there. Not to forget the countless opportunities they have for one to study Islam — whether its at a famous university, or at a small institute or centre. The opportunities are vast!

And Riyadh, because some of the most beloved people in my life live there, whom I yearn to meet, and they have told me some great stuff about it MashaAllah TaabarakAllah.

I came across a couple of hadith I read regarding Madinah and its virtues. Thought I’d share some with you all. Oh, and some amazing, breathtakingly beautiful and stunning pics of Madinah. Enjoy!

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “I was ordered to migrate to a town which will swallow (conquer) other towns and is called Yathrib and that is Medina, and it turns out (bad) persons as a furnace removes the impurities of iron. [Bukhari]

Narrated Sad: I heard the Prophet saying, “None plots against the people of Medina but that he will be dissolved (destroyed) like the salt is dissolved in water. ]Bukhari]

Narrated Anas: The Prophet said, “O Allah! Bestow on Medina twice the blessings You bestowed on Makkah.” [Bukhari]

Narrated Anas: Whenever the Prophet returned from a journey and observed the walls of Medina, he would make his Mount go fast, and if he was on an animal (i.e. a horse), he would make it gallop because of his love for Medina. [Bukhari]

This writing is expression of my deep feelings for Madina


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