Living Life Full To The B.R.I.M.

Living Life Full To The B.R.I.M.

Are you currently experiencing a life reset or life upgrade challenge, experiencing toxic habits, situations and relationships that are holding you back with not enough energy and not enough time in your day, and losing your balance with it all? 

And would you like to experience being able to find your balance being able to master your time your energy, your emotions, reach new levels of health and vitality all while staying on point with your vision and your mission? 

This week I'm going to show you exactly how you can achieve that. I've worked with thousands of professionals over the past couple of decades, ranging from all sorts of life, relationship career challenges and everything to that effect. And I've discovered that there are really four key ingredients that you need to master to be able to take your life, relationships and your career to that next level. 

So if you'd like to learn that, please keep reading.

Now the first part here is around B.R.I.M. With the letter B, standing for balance. Balance is really an over sensationalized concept these days.

Really what balance is, is unique to everybody. In the dictionary balance is stability of mind. And everyone’s got their own neurological system, everyone's got their own emotions, everyone's got their own life and their own dynamic.

So the over sensationalized concept of balance just really doesn't work. Here's the exact reason why. 

Imbalance is what causes balance. 

Now, I'm not talking about dramas and crises and stuff like that, that really throw you off. But being able to challenge yourself in a place of imbalance is how you're actually going to have balance. 

Now, neurologically speaking, your brain's objective is to create homeostasis, balance. So if you're out of sorts, and things are off with your your health, whatever it might be, your body and your neurological system’s objective is to get you back into a state of balance. 

Now, if you were to trip over and about to fall and you're distracted with your day, you immediately forget about all the distractions and you're on point.

You're sharp, you're clear as to what you need to do. There's no second guessing yourself. I'm falling, I'm gonna break my wrist if I don't, you know, rebalance myself.

So when you can put yourself into that place of imbalance is when you can actually activate, if you will, your neurological system. 

And that's sort of more of the scientific level of that but there's a whole deeper level that happens on an energy level too. 

When you can put yourself in that kind of edge of imbalance, you can ride what I call the psychic wave, and really take your life to the next level. 

Now, this unique sense of balance needs to be tailored for yourself. It's not everybody, one size fits all, nine to five, turn everything off and then you've magically got balance.

That just does not work for the vast majority of people. Most people hate that to begin with. And it's like you cut yourself off from life. If you're a driven person, you want to change the world, you can't just cut yourself off at five o'clock and expect, you know, climate crisis to magically go away, right? 

There's a lot of stuff going on in the world. But you do need to be able to turn it on and off at will rather than just post five o'clock, put my phone down. 

You want to turn it off, turn it off, and instead of just wrapping it around your head a thousand times an hour and causing even more damage to a real sense of balance.

Now the problem with most people, when they come to me is they really are in a major state of imbalance. They've got toxic situations in their life, toxic habits, whatever, that really caused a lot of crisis.

A lot of dramas and a lot of needless time wasting kind of stuff can take months or even years to recover from.

So there are a lot of leavers that you need to adjust in this. But there's this wave that will be natural to you, mine will be different to yours just as the next person will be too.

And you need to learn how to ride this particular wave of imbalance. Because it's these points where the climaxes are, where you're going to really be on, you're going to be really sharp, you're going to be really clear, and you're going to be able to excel in your life and have all that efficiency that you want. 

However, if you've got this drama going on in your life, any wobble is going to be really intense, you're not going to be able to manage this well or have access to be in your best capacity or best capabilities. 

So this is really a huge, huge, huge, huge piece to really kind of grasp and understand what your sense of balance is. 

And to take this even further, there are a lot of different life realities that go on. There are eight core categories in your life to bring balance to. 

And in each of these categories, you've got, you know, career, finances, relationships, your health, all sorts of things to consider.

You’re going to try and protect the balance in each one of those and you're not going to feel very enthusiastic nor very engaged. 

This is why your mission, which is always always challenging you, feels good. 

To understand that, this is why you have that drive in your mission and your vision because it feels good, because it’s always challenging you.

It’s pushing you on the edge of growth. Now, you can do this type of thing and that's a very conscious process, you're very clear in your mission. 

But when you're not clear on your leisure time, you're not clear on your relationships or if you have toxic stuff going on in those situations, it really just goes sideways a lot of the time and really, really crazy.

And in a really quick amount of time, there are things that can happen like literally overnight, that throws everything off, like a health scare, for example is like oh my god COVID there's a lot of things that can really throw you off. 

But your mission or whatever the category is that we've got going on, needs to be really on point so that you can drive forward. 

This is why a lot of businesses are failing right now in our society. And why there are a lot of newcomers that are really taking off, because they're really clear in their categories and are really clear on everything that's going on their life. 

And you can relate this back to the dirty 30s (1930s) of how many businesses collapsed then and how many home brands like Kellogg's, and other household staples like that started then and part of our everyday lives to this day.

Regardless, if you agree with Kellogg's or not, it's just a point around, you can really take off right now. Because there's a lot of people without the right sense of balance in the direction that they really want to go in their life and it really holds them back. 

They don't believe they can or this limitation, or there's this toxic situation going on, or there's that thing going on. 

And you really need to find that engine of growth. 

So you can do this all consciously. Which is what you know, I'd hope you'd aim for. But the problem is that most people live on whoops - e - daisy in their lives. 

And you've probably heard that people use about 4% of their their brain activity. And there's a whole other 96%, even if it was as high as 20, there's still a whole other 80% of your brain activity not being used.

And this is where energy reality comes in, which is my specialty. And my expertise is really addressing that 80 to 96% additional stuff, because that's all in the energy, what a lot of people will call the subconscious, I call that energy. 

And if you learn how to manage energy, learn how to put that in a place of balance and imbalance and the relationship with that, you can really tap into so many really amazing and cool things out there that you wouldn't believe would happen.

You've probably experienced this before where you've been in a really amazing state of flow and you're feeling great. And all these contracts, all these opportunities just kind of show up. You weren't asking for it. But your energy is really there. 

And that is happens in that energy reality. Yes it is a little bit of fluff stuff, but I've experienced it enough. And I've helped enough people with this over the years, that, who cares if it is. 

There's a lot of really awesome, cool stuff that happens. 

And if you can use that to your advantage, to make a difference in the world, and really kind of excel is really, really, really amazing.

So that's where you start to do this consciously. And when you do it consciously, there's a very simple process for this. 

And the first thing that you'll probably like is it's about being in ease. It's about having things and allowing things to be easy, allowing things to be in a place to flow. 

And when you have that state of ease, you're much more connected to who you are. And what that does is it limits hugely the amount of stress in your life. 

This is why people are seeking balance to begin with because there's too much stress in their life. 

So the first step to being able to do this consciously is to be in a place of ease. 

Now, the next thing is to really be specific. What is it that you're creating in your life? If you're not very specific, you're going to create a lot of negativity and toxic stuff in your life that just sort of shows up. 

You're going to hire the wrong person, you're going to make a really bad error in judgment. With the, ugh, I shouldn't have worked with that person or you know, all those types of things. 

So you need to be very specific. 

And when you're stressed out, you make bad choices. When you're in place of ease, you make you know, fluid choices, things come easily, things come naturally, things are organic, and all that kind of stuff. 

And then you need to be able to let it go. 

Okay. Letting Go is probably one of the hardest things to do, at least for me. Personally, it has been because I want to fix things and I want to make things better. 

But sometimes things just won't, they just won't budge for whatever reasons. It's like the doors just keep closing, the doors keep closing. And it's just not happening. And I just put more effort, more effort, more effort, because you know what, I'm a pioneer, I can crack through this. 

And lo and behold, nope, that one's made of a 10 foot thick, concrete wall that the President sleeps in or whatever, right? 

And there's an aspect of like, Okay, how do I pivot? And how do I pivot intelligently? How do I pivot in a way that makes sense. 

And this is where being able to let go is vital. 

For example, if your partner wants a gift, all right. Cool. Do you just go get some random thing at the store, probably not. When you’re more specific, it's thought of, yeah, they would really appreciate this, this is great. And everything to that effect. 

You gotta be specific, and then you need to be able to let go. So when you're stressed out about it you are not gonna find it. And it causes even more stress. 

You're thinking about it all day, and it's taking up a lot of bandwidth in your head and your energy. And so you need to be able to let it go. And then you know, you have time at lunch, or whenever you can give yourself a break. And then it's super easy and seamless to get that gift. 

I'm sure you've all experienced that, where you're stressed out, and you're trying to do something, and it takes a whole lot longer than you're expecting. When you're in ease and flow and you're doing something, it’s just sort of, easy. 

It takes five minutes instead of an entire day to deal with the tech glitch or whatever it was. 

And then the last piece here is being able to raise your vibe, okay. 

Now, raising your vibe, is kind of interesting, because you got a lot of positive thinking going on out there. If you stay positive, great things are gonna happen. If you be positive, great things are going to happen. 

And to tell you the truth, a lot of people who want that to happen, tend not to have that happen. 

I've met many people who have gone deep, deep, deep, deep in the hole, burned out relationships, all the stuff just doesn't work. 

And they're like, I'm gonna stay positive, dang it. And I'm gonna make the best out of this. And they're cutting themselves off from the reality of the communication that's going on on an emotional level inside.

Emotions are critical forms of communication to be able to get to the next level, it's kind of like red flag, oh, this person... I shouldn't hire or be in relationship with.

But if you're cut off emotionally, you try to stay positive, you're going to push aside all the internal cues that are telling you that you should pay attention. 

This is just basic communication, you know yourself well enough, you've been in your body long enough to have all these experiences in life, you have a lot of information to draw on there. 

And it's really critical that you access that instead of cutting yourself off through positive thinking. Because even though you're just doing positive thinking in a little segment here in your life, it impacts your entire state of being. 

So the way to essentially raise your vibration is to kick out the toxic stuff, and kick out all the stuff that doesn't belong in your space.

Yeah, I feel good about this doesn't mean the reality inside of you is actually that, when you are caught in positive thinking.

You've probably all met that person who's really happy smiling, but you are around them and they feel like they're gonna snap. 

And it's like, I am gonna be positive and all that kind of stuff. 

So it's really important to get the subtleties and the nuances of this particular piece in terms of energy management and emotional management. 

And the last step of the five step process in terms of this, and to dial it in a bit more for you here is what I call an affirmation. 

Now, I'm not talking about I will feel good or positive statements and stuff like that. I'm talking about action, making firm, what are you wanting to create in your life in terms of balance? 

What is it that you can do right now that makes it firm?

What tangible, maybe physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, whatever action can you do right now? To be able to make it firm? Right like this moment? While you're reading this article.

What can you do right now to create more balance for you in your life? That simple. 

I'm not asking you to do some cheesy affirmation because the science out there, is a bit loose. I mean, there's not enough of a body of evidence to support it.

Thad said, it's reported that you have to say an affirmation 1000 times before it actually starts to sink in. So if you say it three times a day, takes you about a year to make that affirmation real. Whereas you can just take a step right now! And what is it? What's that step? 

Now, the other piece with this is what I call appreciation. 

Okay, an old accounting term that just simply means adding value. If this showed up… balance in your life showed up… How would it add value in your life? What would be different about your life? How would you be? What would your attitude be like? And all the different things? 

Would you be stressed out? Would you have balance in your life? What would it look like? What would it feel like? What would the experience be like and everything like that. So these are the five steps in terms of balance. I would encourage you to focus on creating consciously, which is basically the steps here broken down. 

And then finding that edge of growth. When you choose consciously, to put yourself in a state of imbalance. This is where you ride the ride of life. The sweet spot.

This is where you understand your mission and it constantly challenges you. So when you're choosing to put yourself in a growth space, you're pushing yourself out of a state of balance, therefore your mental activity, your agility, your flexibility, capabilities, your energetic capabilities, and everything like that… emotional capabilities, physical everything just sort of turns on, you're more engaged and you're more alive. 

So what I would encourage you to do is to consciously choose growth instead of you know, unconsciously having dramas and toxic stuff in your life. 

So consciously choosing growth, if that's all you take from the balance lesson, Awesome, cool. 

But here are those five steps. Be in ease, being specific, letting go, raising your vibe and being a state of affirming (making things firm) and appreciating how this adds value in to my life or in your life?

So come back to tomorrow’s post around the letter ‘R’ for Reset. We're gonna dive into Resetting.


To View Day 2's Post, please click here.

Simone ?? Sauter

Getting solopreneurs high-profile media features and highly-relevant podcast interviews, so they grow their business, brand, traffic, audience and revenue ?? Book a discovery call ??

4 年

Great read, Leo! Thanks for sharing!

Trea Tijmens

CEO | International Elite Matchmaker & Dating Coach | I help successful singles find life partners

4 年

Interesting Leo??

Lisa Gornall

Creating Sustainable Success and Work-life Balance for High Performers in Start Ups & Small Teams | Corporate Medium | Spiritual Medium & Mentor | Mindset & Energy Strategist | Author | Motivational Speaker

4 年

Yes, balance is not a constant state.

Michele Williams

Helping Design Firms Maximize Profitability | 1,000 + Coached | Financial Expert | Podcast Host | Investor | Business Owner, Metrique Solutions + Scarlet Thread Consulting

4 年

Lots of great content.

Jessica Yarbrough

Helping B2B Coaches & Consultants Sell 6 Figure Packages | Growth Strategist | Scale with Ultra High End Services | Marketing Coach & Business Mentor | Build Expert Authority | LinkedIn Expert

4 年

This is great Leo! Thanks so much for the great content here


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