Living Intimately Prepared ~ Ready ~ Equipped …
Matthew 24:27 ~ For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.?
Abba Father good morning – What a day is actively coming where all of life’s brokenness will not only be intimately healed; never to exist again in the willingly lives believing, accepting, trusting, following within Our Lord Christ Jesus deeply within their heart, their mind, their soul. This moment will be obvious to everyone everywhere. It will be a moment engaging every life. Be reassured, no life will be missed. In this world there are tribulations, but my friend the very best is yet to come. Christ Jesus reminds about living prepared, ready, equipped within our inner-core of thriving life within our heart, our mind, our soul for the known day of redemption to come at an unknown moment. It will be obviously visible to the whole world. It will happen quickly, swiftly, and within a flash of a moment. It will be everlasting. There will be no doubt or mistaking its occurrence. In the ways of this world many people already have, and many will come attempting to predict this unknown anointed moment. Analyzing stars, galaxies, seas, mountains, and movement of the earth, moon, and sun. Attempting to analyze every moment, every second, every day, year after year. They attempt to create agitation, confusion, and instill feelings of desperation, anxiety, hopelessness. They take a falling star, full-moon, scorching-sun, tides of the sea, droughts, flash-floods, earthquakes, rainbows, and the list goes on. They take intimate ways of The Lord Our God; attempting to make then into the ways of this world. Attempting to twist-words, facts, events, and predict the future with the past. All there planning, research, analyzing cannot predict the second coming of Our Lord Christ Jesus. The living bible clearly warns about false-teachers, false-prophets, and those who predict this unknown moment but known moment to come. When they say it will be tomorrow, next-year, ten-years. Don’t live deceived by this untruth. The living bible is very clear this moment to come is unknown to this world. Known only to Our Living God. This day is intimately created, passionately designed, and put in motion for unique purpose of enhancing our life within Our Living God, Our Lord Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit. Take some time to reflect throughout this day upon life, family, friendships, strangers. All spontaneously encountered. What does our-life represent? If this day holds your last moment within this world. What will others remember, cherish, share for generations upon generations? We do not know this anointed moment Christ Jesus will return or the moment of our last heartbeat. Our last breath of breathing life within this world; both moments coming unknown but known. Are you living prepared to greet Our Living God, Our Lord Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit? The living bible clearly teaches these moments will be unavoidable. Every-knee will bow. Every-tongue will confess. The-truth, the-way, and promises of The Lord Our God will be intimately fulfilled forever. This Amazing God loving all of life personally, unconditionally, intimately. Engaging our sinfully imperfect life with living affirmation, undeniable faithfulness, life-changing promises breathing living hope from sunrise to sunset and throughout the night. Every moment Our Living God, Our Lord Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit is actively engaging all of life. We will not know the moment the sky will split, trumpets will sound, dead will be raised, Lord Jesus will return. We cannot predict the future. We can only live within this day of life-changing undeserved grace. We have a choice, a decision, a way of life to choose. We can live in the ways of this world listening to predictions, following false-teachers, finding ourselves living a life of ungodliness. Remember, the ways of this world attempts to influence our life in many ways. Never forget, satan is extremely good at deception, slowly destroying lives, creating separation within The Lord Our God. The living bible teaches about living intentionally prepared, ready, equipped for the moment where the ways of this world will encounter the way of Our Living God, Our Lord Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit. We can willingly follow the ways of this world into everlasting darkness. Or willingly live actively believing, accepting, trusting, following within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit. Living intimately prepared, intentionally ready, and protectively equipped to live life at its very best within God’s powerful cleansing, redeeming, restorational life-changing undeserved grace actively breathing everlasting life (Holy Spirit) into our sinful life within anointed sustainable life (Christ Jesus) within everlasting life in heaven (Abba Father). Godliness engaging ungodliness. Life-changing forever. Remember, this intimate promise is live-able within this very moment my friend.?
Father ~ Thank you for opening my heart, my mind, my soul to the mystical wonders of life-changing undeserved grace directing my sinful life toward the intimacy of heaven within the life-changing promises of everlasting life. Abba Father ~ I intimately seek the intimacy of everlasting life. Rest Your Hand on my life. Help me to live boldness, courageousness, fearlessness. Teach me the intimate ways of heaven living among all of life. Lead me to live urgently-ready, intentionally-prepared, protectively-equipped for this intimate unknown moment thriving within you Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.
Michael J Zenner ?
President/Owner at Red Mountain Arsenal LLC
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CBRN/Emergency Response Analyst at JG System Analytical and. Integration Consulting LLC
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Research Visa and Commercial Services Coordinator at National Research Institute of Papua New Guinea (NRI)
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GOD Above ALL????Assistant Superintendent at D.R. Horton No Crypto, Forex or Finance talk please!! Faith, Family & Country ????????
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